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Atari 2600 Variation List

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This is a detailed list of all the variations known of labels, cartridge types, instruction manuals, and boxes. I have also included owner's manuals, warranty cards, and other miscellaneous paperwork. The list is a work in progress, so if you don't see an item, feel free to contact me with new information. Scans of items will be prefered to verify the existance of any new variation to be listed. Thanks for your help.

Atari 2600 Label Variations


This Atari 2600 label list is a compilation of input from many collectors in the field. A lot of hard work has been given by these collectors. You know who you are, and are too many to list. I thank you for everything you’ve done. Since this list is a joint effort, it will be available for all to use. It is a shame that when you input something, you are not fit to use it. So make a copy for yourself or ask me for one. I tell you to do this, so the list does not vanish in case something ever happens to me or my website. To update this list on my website, contact me at I will try and correct any mistakes and add any new info as I come across it. I’ve compiled a new and improved list from the one you’ve seen throughout the years. I’ve also made it much simpler to use. Any questions or comments, just contact me. I’m always on the Atari Age website as Philflound and that is also my AIM name.


Rarity is going to be based on the label variation of the cartridge, not the game itself. There are many websites and guides that give the rarity of the carts, so it is just duplicate info you don’t need. I am giving rarity 3 grades along with a (?) grade. There may be more than one grade for variations. For example, Combat has 17 variations listed at this time. 10 of these may be Common, 4 Uncommon, and 3 Rare. Common of course will be the least expensive versions to find, Rare should be the most expensive. A (?) means I do not have enough data to determine how rare a label variation is, or if it even exists. My estimates are guesses. On the rarest games, a common will be given if only one label is known, or if more than one label is known, but are about equal in occurrence. No prices will be given here, but will be the sole judgment of each individual to determine. I may question the existence of a variation if it is possible to make. Such as having an end label of a later version glued on to an older version of the game. Be wary on these types of variations, though they may be legitimate.


A “*” after the entry means that I have a scan of this particular label variation available. Since my website is too small in space to show all the variations, I will keep it on my computer and they will be available upon request. Just email me with the scan you wish to see and I’ll send it. I’m going to try and scan box variations too if possible, both front and back. If there is a particular variation with the cartridge itself in general, then I will try and do a scan of the carts. For example, Data Age with the rough surface, smooth surface, and casting mark; Apollo with the width of the company molded; Coleco with the “MADE IN…” molded in back, and the various M Network mold variations. This will be done because the labels themselves may be identical, but the variant lies in the mold.


Rarity:  Common (C) – this would be found 6 out of 10 times

            Uncommon (U) – this would be found 3 out of 10 times

            Rare (R) – this would be found 1 out of 10 times, if that

            Unknown (?) – cannot determine the rarity
            ML: = main label
            EL: = end label 
            Cart: = the actual plastic cartridge                     
            Typo: = typographical error                                           
            © = copyright                           

            ® = registered                                                                                                  

            ™ = trademark


Manuals: I’ve added instruction manuals to the list. This is what I’ve seen or had in my possession. There will probably be much more than what I have so far, so again, if you have something that is not listed, please give me a scan of all pages if possible including covers. Page count listed does include covers and any unnumbered pages if they are numbered within the manual. Page count given will be individual pages, though the manual may not be stapled, and folds open to create one or two large pages, which I’ll try to note. Logically, if something is Rev 3 or C, then there should be 2 or 3 others before it. Some manuals did not have a Rev listed, meaning that this would be the first version and a Rev 1 should be the second printing. Color given on the manual is for the front cover, most likely the outside background of any photos or drawings shown. I am not going to give rarities for this section, just listing for information.


Boxes: Boxes listed will be all versions that the cartridges came in, with a possibility that it was released in a bag instead of box. Copyright year will be listed first, along with the general color of the front of the box. Some boxes may have a Rev listed, usually found on the little flap at the top or bottom of the box. Variations of the box may be noted if there is something significantly different with a photo, sticker, or such. Printed and Made in countries will be listed outside of the USA. If no Printed is shown, assumption will be that is was printed in the USA. Most box sizes are standard with Atari games, but odd shaped such as larger, smaller, or thinner may be noted, especially if there is more than one size for a particular game. Again, no rarities will be given for boxes, just informational purposes. Also, if there is a specific year made on a cartridge label, say 1982 and 1987, then logic should say that there should be two boxes for the same years, or close to them. So if you see several labels with different years, but don’t see several boxes listed, try and do some detective work and find out if there are boxes not listed. With Atari and Sears, there seems to be three box variations with the physical construction of the box. The early games were released originally in a book type opening box where the front of the box opens to view the contents.

There are three other types of boxes. The first is standard opening of the box from the top flap, where the whole top flap tucks into the box. The bottom flap also tucks into the box. The second version is glued on both top and bottom, and there is a hang tag glued to the top of the back of the box. This little hang tag tucks into a slot on the top flap. There is a new third version that I discovered with Video Olympics, and may be on others. It is a glued top flap that is similar to a cereal box with a tab. I’m going to call this the tab flap style box.


So when labeling the boxes, you will see book style opening box, standard flap style box, glued flap style box, and tab flap style box. If none of these are listed, then I have not personally seen the box and would need collector input to list it correctly.


There are many different label variations for Atari. Early labels were text, then went on to pictures with a black background. From there, the picture had a silver background, which became a dull grey after that. They then went to a reddish brown background label. There are also exceptions to the rules on special labels for outside licensed games such as Peanuts, Disney, and
Sesame Street
, along with a couple of others that will be noted.                                 
Label type

1st txt - ML: large letters. EL: 2 numbers before name.  
2nd txt - ML: small letters. EL: no numbers before name.


3rd txt – ML: game program now has slanted “e”.


1/2 txt – special combo of one type of text on main label, and another on end label.


2/3 txt – special combo of one type of text on main label, and another on end label.

PicBl – An all text label was removed and replaced with a drawn picture of the game. The background behind the picture is black.  
PicSil1 – Picture remains, but the black background is now silver. Atari 2600 is above photo in the center.

PicSil2 – Larger picture, Atari 2600 is small in the upper right corner.


PicGr1 – Picture remains, but the black background is now grey, not silver. Atari 2600 is above photo in the center.


PicGr2 – Larger picture, Atari 2600 is small in the upper right corner. Label is now grey, not silver.


Picred1 – Black and white pictures with red background.


Picred2 – Color pictures with red background.


PicBr1 – Similar to PicSil1, but background is brown (much darker than red labels). Atari 2600 is above photo in the center.


PicBr2 – Similar to PicSil2, but background is brown (much darker than red labels). Atari 2600 is in the upper right corner.


Yellow – Sesame Street licensed games have yellow labels.


Blue – Disney licensed games have blue checkered labels.


Red – Peanuts licensed games have red checkered labels.


Purple – Muppets licensed games have purple labels.

PRO - prototype           

P - PAL format. These are non-US versions. A “p” is usually on the end label, and in some cases on the main label. Please note that if a label exists in both NTSC and PAL, but there is NO difference between the two labels, there will be only one listing, though we may note it as both NTSC and PAL in the description. Also, we are not going to note a cartridge as PAL unless it has a “p” somewhere on the label, or a “p” sticker denoting it as PAL. So, it’s possible that a variation only exists in PAL format, but it won’t be listed as such. Do not assume a listing as being NTSC.


Cartridge type              
Cart1 - locking circuit board cover         
Cart2 - free sliding circuit board cover   
Cart3 - no circuit board cover

Name                           Model

32 in 1                         CX26163P

a)* C    ---        ©1988, CART3, green label, text only, note: no end label was made for this cart, made in China

A)  Manual       no ©, white paper, folds out to 2 sides, back and front

B)  Manual       ©1988, white paper, C300448-001, folds out to 2 sides, back and front, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev B

1)* Box            ©1988, red box, made in Taiwan, Printed in Taiwan


3-D Tic-Tac-Toe         CX2618

a)* R    2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, medium ®, red text

b)* U   2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, medium ®, purple text

c)* R    2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, medium ®, red text, ML: “CX-2618-P”, PAL

d)* R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, blue text

e)   R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, blue text, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

f)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, ML: no “use with...”

g)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART?, ML: black tape over controller info

h)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART?, ML: Typo: “use with paddle…”

A)  Manual       ©1980, black, C011402-18 on back, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1980, light blue box, “Warner Communications Company” on bottom front, light blue warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA
2)* Box            ©1986, light blue box, no “WCC” on front, Made in Taiwan, Printed in Taiwan, no warranty, Rev 1 on flap


Action Pak                  PRO 810

1)* Box            ©1978, blue box with pictures of the boxes for Breakout, Othello, and Dodge 'em on front


Adventure       CX2613

a)* U   2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®

b)* R    2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, ML: “CX-2613-P”, PAL

c)* R    2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, ML: yellow letters, medium ®, EL: orange letters

d)* U   2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, gold letters, small ®

e)* R    2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, gold letters, small ®, ML: “CX-2613-P”, PAL, thin font

f)*  R    2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, gold letters, small ®, ML: “CX-2613-P”, PAL, thick font

g)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, orange letters, white Atari logo & cx2613

h)* R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, orange letters, black Atari logo & cx2613

i)*  R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, orange letters, white Atari logo & cx2613, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

j)*  R    PicBl    ©1987, CART3, ML: no “use with…”, “Atari, Corp.” written

k)* R    PicBl    ©1987, CART3?, ML: no “use with…”, “Atari, Corp” written

A)  Manual       ©1980, black, C011402-13 on front, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1980, black, C011402-13 on back, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 2

C)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016943-13 on back, 12 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)   Box            ©1978, orange box, no warranty box

2)* Box            ©1980, orange box, orange background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA, standard flap style box

3)* Box            ©1978, orange box, 5 languages on back, Printed in USA


A Game of

Concentration             CX2642

a)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, medium ®

b)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, medium ®, ML: “CX-2642-P”, PAL

c)* R    PicBl    ©1986, green letters, black sticker covers “use with...” line, EL: plastic

d)* R    PicBl    ©1986, green letters, “use with paddle controllers”, EL: plastic

A)  Manual       ©1980, black, C011402-42 on back, 6 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 3

B)  Manual       ©1986, white, C019741-42/A on back, 12 pages, size? Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1978, light green box, light green warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA

2)* Box            ©1986, grey box, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 5 on flap


Air-Sea Battle             CX2602

a)* C    1st txt   no ©, CART1, maroon letters, EL: silver border, large ®

b)* R    1/2 txt   no ©, CART1, maroon letters, ML: 1st txt, large ®, EL: 2nd txt

c)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, large ®, EL: thin font

d)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, maroon letters, medium ®, EL: thin font

e)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, maroon letters, small ®, EL: thin font

f)*  R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, maroon letters, small ®, EL: thick font

g)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, maroon letters, small ®, ML: “CX-2602-P”, PAL

h)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, maroon letters, medium ®, “use with...” in 3rd txt font

i)*  R    PicBl    ©1981, CART1, Atari logo completely in the ocean, submarine totally in photo

j)*  C    PicBl    ©1981, CART1, Atari logo touches a boat, submarine touches bottom border

k)* R    PicBl-p ©1981, CART1, Atari logo completely in the ocean, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

l)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART2, TYPO: “use with paddle controllers”, EL: plastic

m)* R   PicBl    ©1986, CART3, typo covered up with blank black rectangular sticker

n)* R    PicBl    ©1987, CART2, has “use with…”

o)* R    PicBl    ©1987, CART3, no “use with...”

A)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011402-02 on front, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Litho in USA

B)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011402-02 on back, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 3

C)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011413-02 on front, English/French Flip Book, 24 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Litho in USA on page 12 of English side, no Rev

D)  Manual       ©1977, white, C016943-02 on back, 16 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

E)   Manual       ©1986, white, C019787-02/A on back, 16 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1, b&w cover and contents

F)   Manual       ©1987, white, C019741-02/A on back, 16 pages, 5.125 x 7.125”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev 1, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            no ©, red box, “air-sea battle 02” on side going up the box, front opening, Litho in USA

2)* Box            ©1978, red box, white background warranty box, © inside warranty box, Printed in USA

3)* Box            ©1978, red box, “Game Program” in large yellow letters in center, game options below that, no warranty info on back, Printed in USA, no Rev on flap

4)* Box            ©1978, red box, red background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA

5)* Box            ©1981, red box, white background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

6)   Box            ©1988, red box


Alpha Beam

with Ernie                   CX26103

a)* C    Yellow  ©1983, CART1

b)* R    Yellow  ©1983, CART1, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

c)   R    Yellow  ©1983, CART2

A)  Manual       ©1983, yellow, C01974-103 on back, 24 pages, 5 x 6.75”, Printed in USA, Rev B

A1) Overlay     ©1983, purple, C020996-103, Printed in USA, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1983, yellow box, “Use with New Kid’s Controller” sticker on front, Rev A on flap

2)* Box            ©1983, yellow box, drawing of Kid’s Controller on front, 6 languages, Made in USA


Asterix                                                CX2696

a)* C    PicGr2  ©1985, CART1, EL: plastic

b)* C    PicSil2  ©1983, CART2, EL: paper, EL: “Asterix”, PAL

c)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1, EL: paper, EL: “Asterix p”, PAL

d)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART2, EL: paper, EL: “Asterix p”, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1983, silver, C019787-96, 12 pages, size?, 6 languages, Printed in USA, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1983, silver box, 6 languages on back, Made in USA

2)* Box            ©1985, silver box, 6 languages on back, Made in Taiwan


Asteroids                    CX2649

a)* U   PicBl    ©1981, CART1, Atari logo black, “CX2649” white with black behind numbers, bottom asteroid halfway inside picture (there is a slight variation of font size for “CX2649” in the cartridges I have examined, though I’m not giving them separate listings)

b)* C    PicBl    ©1981, CART1, Atari logo black, “CX2649” white with black behind numbers, bottom asteroid fully inside picture

c)* R    PicBl    ©1981, CART1, Atari logo black, “CX2649” white with blue behind numbers and no blue outline around product number, bottom asteroid fully inside picture

d)* R    PicBl    ©1981, CART1, Atari logo black, “CX2649” white with blue behind numbers and blue outline around product number, bottom asteroid fully inside picture

e)* R    PicBl-p ©1981, CART1, Atari logo black, “CX2649” white, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL (version a and b has been confirmed with PAL, is there version c, or d?)

f)*  R    PicGr1  ©1986, CART2, EL: plastic label, red letters

g)* R    PicGr1  ©1987, CART3, ML: no “use with…”, EL: red letters, “P” sticker on back, PAL

h)* R    PicGr1  ©1987, CART3, ML: no “use with…”, EL: blue letters, paper, PAL

i)*  R    Picred2 ©1979, CART3, Hong Kong ML: CX2649P, glossy labels, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1979, white, C016943-49 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 6.75”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

A1)      Insert    no ©, white, C018008, 1 sheet, 5 x 7”, no printed, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1979, white, C016973-49 on back, 40 pages?, size?, 5 languages, Printed in USA, Rev 1

C)  Manual       ©1979, white, C016973-49 on back, 40 pages?, size?, 5 languages, Printed in USA, Rev 2

1)   Box            ©1981, reddish-brown box, white background warranty box, © outside warranty box

2)* Box            ©1981, reddish-brown box, white background warranty box, © inside warranty box, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

3)* Box            ©1981, reddish-brown box, white background warranty box, © inside warranty box, Printed  in USA, standard style top flap, Rev 2 on flap

4)* Box            ©1979, reddish-brown, 5 languages, Printed in USA

5)* Box            ©1986, reddish-brown box, no warranty box, Printed in Taiwan

6)* Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Atari Video Cube        CX2670

a)* C    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1

b)* U   PicGr1  ©1982, CART?

c)   U   PicSil1  ©1984, CART1

A)  Manual       ©1983, silver, C019741-70 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1983, silver box


Backgammon              CX2617

a)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, medium ®, gold letters, thick ™

b)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, small ®, gold letters, thin ™

c)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, medium ®, ML: gold letters, EL: orange letters, ML: “PAL” stamp, PAL

d)* U   2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, medium ®, gold letters

e)* R    2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, medium ®, yellow letters, “ML: CX-2617-P”, PAL

f)*  C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1

g)* R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

h)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3

A)  Manual       ©1979, black, C011402-17 on front, 16 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1979, white, C016943-17 on back, 16 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

C)  Manual       ©1986, white, C019741-17/A on back, 16 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1979, brown box, no warranty box, “ninety day limited warranty”, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

2)* Box            ©1979, brown box, “special edition” lower right corner, brown background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA, Rev 1 on flap

3)* Box            ©1979, red box, 5 languages, Printed in USA, Rev?

4)   Box            ©1986, “special edition” lower right corner


Basic Math                 CX2661

a)* U   1st txt   no ©, CART1, EL: silver border, large ®

b)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, small ®

c)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, small ®, ML: “PAL” stamp, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011402-61 on front, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, no printed or Rev

B)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011413-61 on front, English/French Flip Book, 16 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA on 2nd page of French side, no Rev

1)* Box            no ©, blue box, front opening, side: “basic math 61” going up the box, no warranty info, Distributed in Canada

2)* Box            ©1978, blue box, “Game Program” in large yellow letters in center, game options below that, Printed in USA


Basic Programming    CX2620

a)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, small ®, thick font

b)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, small ®, thin font

c)* R    2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, red letters, medium ®, ML: “CX-2620-P”, PAL

d)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, orange letters

e)* R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, orange letters, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

f)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, yellow text, TYPO: “Use with paddle controllers”

g)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, yellow text, ML: black sticker over “use with...” line, EL: plastic

A)  Manual       ©1979, black, C011402-20 on front, 24 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1979, black, C011402-20 on back, 24 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 2

C)  Manual       ©1979, white, C016943-20 on back, 24 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1
1)   Box            ©1978, orange box

2)* Box            ©1979, orange-red box, “special edition” lower right corner, orange background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA

3)* Box            ©1979, orange-red box, 5 languages, Printed in USA

4)* Box            ©1986, grey box, 5 languages on back, Printed in Taiwan


Basketball                   CX2624

a)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, orange letters, large ®

b)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®

c)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, yellow letters, small ®

d)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, ML: “CX-2624-P”, PAL

e)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, orange letters, small ®, ML: “CX-2624-P”, PAL

f)*  R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, orange letters, large ®, ML: “PAL” stamp, PAL

g)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, peach letters, small ®

h)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, peach letters, small ®, ML: “PAL” stamp, PAL

i)*  C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, orange text, main shooter with blue shirt

j)*  U   PicBl    ©1978, CART1, orange text, main shooter with white shirt

k)* R    PicBl    ©1978, CART2, glossy label with dark coloring, orange text

l)*  R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, orange text, main shooter with white shirt, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

m)* R   PicBl    ©1986, CART2, orange text, main shooter with blue shirt, EL: “Basketball *”

n)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART2, orange text, main shooter with blue shirt, ML: TYPO: “use with paddle...”, EL: “Basketball *”

o)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART2, orange text, main shooter with white shirt, ML: TYPO: “use with paddle...”, EL: “Basketball *”

p)* R    PicBl    ©1987, CART3, orange text, main shooter with blue shirt, ML: TYPO: no “use with…”, EL: “Basketball *”

q)* R    PicBl    ©1988, CART3, orange text, main shooter with blue shirt, ML: TYPO: no “use with…”, EL: “Basketball *”

r)*  R    Picred2 ©1978,  Hong Kong, ML: “CX2624P”, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-24 on front, 4 pages, 4 x 6.5”, no printed or Rev

B)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-24 on back, 4 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 5

1)* Box            ©1978, orange box, “Game Program” in large yellow letters in center, game options below that, Printed in USA

2)   Box            ©1978, orange box, orange background warranty box

3)* Box            ©1981, orange box, white background warranty box, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

4)* Box            ©1988, grey box, Made in Hong Kong, Printed in Hong Kong

5)* Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Battlezone                   CX2681

a)* C    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1

b)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1, EL: “Battlezone p”, PAL

c)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART2, EL: plastic

d)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART2, EL: paper

e)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART3

f)*  R    PicGr2  ©1985, CART2

g)* R    PicGr2  ©1987, CART3, “P” sticker on back, PAL

h)* R    PicBr2  ©1987, CART3, “P” sticker on back, PAL

i)*  R    Picred2 ©1983, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “CX2681P”, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1983, white, C019741-81 on back, 8 pages (folds to 2), 5 x 6.75”, Printed in USA, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1983, silver box, Made in USA
2)* Box            ©1983, silver box, 6 languages on back, Made in

3)* Box            ©1987, silver box, 6 languages on back, Made in China

4)* Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Berzerk                       CX2650

a)* C    PicBl    ©1982, CART1, picture: no red mark left of Atari logo

b)* U   PicBl    ©1982, CART1, picture: red mark left of Atari logo

c)* R    PicBl-p ©1982, CART1, picture: no red mark left of Atari logo, EL: “p” printed on right, (PAL)

d)* R    PicBl-p ©1982, CART1, picture: red mark left of Atari logo, EL: “p” printed on right, (PAL)

e)* R    PicBl    ©1982, CART1, ML: “Berzerk” in yellow letters

f)    R    PicBl    ©1982, CART3

g)* R    PicBl    ©1985, CART2, ML: “Berzerk” in green letters, Atari logo and CX2650 much smaller

h)* R    PicBl    ©1985, CART3, ML: “Berzerk” in blue letters, Atari logo and CX2650 much smaller

i)*  R    PicBl    ©1987, CART3, picture: Atari logo and CX2650 much smaller

j)*  R    PicBl    ©1987, CART?, ML: no “use with…”

A)  Manual       ©1982, white, C016943-50 on back, 16 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 2

A1)      Comic   ©1982, black, C018257 on back, 52 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Atari Force #2

B)  Manual       ©1982, white, C016973-50 on back, 5 languages, 32 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 2

C)  Manual       ©1987, white, C019741-50/A on back, 16 pages, 5 x 7.125”, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 2, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1982, dark green box, contains DC comic book Atari Force #2, Rev 2 on flap, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

2)* Box            ©1982, dark green box, contains DC comic book Atari Force #2, Rev?, Printed in USAstandard flap style box

3)* Box            ©1987, red box, 3 languages, Printed in Taiwan


Big Bird's Egg Catch CX26104

a)* C    Yellow  ©1983, CART1

b)* R    Yellow  ©1983, CART1, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

c)* R    Yellow  ©1986,  CART?

A)  Manual       ©1983, yellow, CO19741-104 on back, 24 pages, 5 x 6.75”, Printed in USA, Rev A

A1) Overlay     ©1983, red/white checkers, CO20996-104, Printed in USA, Rev A

B)  Manual       ©1983, yellow, CO19787-104 on back, 5 languages, 32 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USARev A

1)* Box            ©1983, yellow box, “Use with New Kid’s Controller” sticker on front, Made in USA

2)* Box            ©1983, yellow box, 6 languages, Made in Taiwan sticker on back


Blackjack                    CX2651

a)* U   1st txt   no ©, CART1, EL: silver border, green letters, large ®, EL: “51 blackjack” is 40mm long

b)* U   1st txt   no ©, CART1, EL: silver border, green letters, large ®, EL: “51 blackjack” is 44mm long

c)   U   1st txt   no ©, CART1, EL: silver border, green letters, small ®

d)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, ML: green letters, large ®

e)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, ML: green letters, small ®

f)*  U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, ML: yellow letters, medium ®

g)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, yellow letters, ML: dark picture, heart colored in, right arm of girl in black dress is flesh color

h)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, yellow letters, ML: light picture, heart half colored, right arm of girl in black dress is almost completely white

A)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011402-51 on front, 4 x 6.5”, no Printed or Rev

B)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011402-51 on back, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            no ©, green box, front opening, side: “blackjack 51” going up the box, Distributed in Canada

2)* Box            ©1978, green box, no warranty box, Printed in USA

3)   Box            ©1986, grey box, printed in Taiwan


BMX Airmaster          CX26190

a)* C    Picred2 ©1990, CART3, Hong Kong, EL: CA400064-190 on lower right

1)* Box            ©1990, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Bowling                       CX2628

a)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, blue letters, large ®

b)* U   2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, red letters, “use with…” in 2nd txt font, medium ®, unusually large ™ on Game Program

c)* U   2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, red letters, “use with...” in 2nd txt font, medium ® regular sized ™ on Game Program

d)* U   2/3 txt   ©1979, CART1, red letters, “use with...” in 3rd txt font, medium ®

e)* R    2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, red letters, ML: “CX-2628-P”, PAL

f)*  C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, blue letters, ball touches “8” in 2628, man’s foot all in photo

g)* R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, blue letters, ball does not touch “8” in 2628, man’s foot extends into bottom border, ML: EL: plastic

h)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART1, blue letters, ML: TYPO: “use with paddle controllers”

i)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART?, ML: black sticker over “use with...” line

A)  Manual       ©1979, black, C011402-28 on front, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1979, black, C011402-28 on back, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 2

C)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016943-28 on back, 8 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

D)  Manual       ©198?, white, C017878-28 on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1978, dark blue box, no warranty box, “limited ninety day warranty” on back, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

2)* Box            ©1978, dark blue box, blue background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA, Rev 4 on flap

3)   Box            ©1978, light blue box, blue background warranty box, © outside warranty box

4)* Box            ©1986, grey box, 5 languages, Printed in Taiwan


Brain Games               CX2664

a)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold letters, large ®, thick ™, ML: ™ on “Touch Me”, EL: gold

b)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold letters, large ®, thick ™, ML: ™ on “Touch Me”, EL: orange

c)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, orange letters, small ®, thin ™, ML: no ™ on “Touch Me”

d)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, orange letters, small ®, ML: no ™ on “Touch Me”, metallic foil label

e)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, small ®

f)*  R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, medium ®

g)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, blue letters, medium ®

h)   R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, ML: “CX-2664-P”, small ®

i)*  R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, blue letters, ML: “CX-2664-P”, small ®

j)*  C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, blue letters, wizard’s index finger and star inside moon do not touch the top border

k)* R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, blue letters, wizard’s index finger and star inside moon touch top border

l)*  R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, blue letters, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

m)*R          PicBl    ©1986, CART2, ML: “Brain Games” in purple, EL: “Brain Games” in blue, TYPO: “use with paddles”, EL: plastic

n)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, “Brain Games” in purple, no “use with...” line

o)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART?, ML: black sticker over “use with...” line, “Brain Games” in purple, EL: “Brain Games” in blue, EL: plastic

A)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-64 on front, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, no Rev

B)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-64 on back, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 3

1)* Box            ©1978, blue box, no warranty box, Game Programs in center on back, Printed in USA

2)* Box            ©1978, blue box, no warranty box, Games Programs on left side on back, Printed in USA, Rev 3 on flap, glued flap style box

3)* Box            ©1978, blue box, 5 languages on back, Printed in USA

4)* Box            ©1986, grey box, 5 languages on back, Made in Taiwan, Printed in Taiwan, glued flap style box

5)   Box            ©1986, grey box, 5 languages on back, Printed in Taiwan


Breakout                     CX2622

a)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold letters, large ®, EL: silver border

b)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold letters, large ®, EL: yellow border

c)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold letters, large ®, EL: orange letters, silver border

d)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold letters, medium ®, EL: silver border

e)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold letters, medium ®, EL: yellow border

f)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold letters, small ®, EL: gold letters

g)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold letters, small ®, EL: yellow letters

h)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold letters, medium ®, EL: yellow letters

i)*  R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold letters, medium ®, ML: “CX-2622-P”, PAL

j)*  R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold letters, small ®, EL: ?, ML: “PAL” stamp, PAL

k)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, yellow letters

l)*  R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

m)*      R          ---        ©1986, CART2, orange background, ML: TYPO: “use with joystick controllers”, EL: paper, “breakout” in huge orange letters

n)* R    ---        ©1986, CART3, orange background, ML: TYPO: “use with joystick controllers”, EL: paper, “breakout” in huge orange letters

o)* R    ---        ©1986, CART3, orange background, ML: no “use with…” EL: paper, “breakout” in huge orange letters

p)* R    ---        ©1986, CART?, orange background, ML: black tape over “use with…”, EL: paper, “breakout” in huge orange letters

A)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-22 on front, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA 2nd page, no Rev

B)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-22 on back, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 3

C)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016943-22 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1
1)   Box            ©1978, generic white box with black letters, Printed in USA, Atari address in middle of 
back, “Limited ninety day warranty” is only warranty notice, no picture on box

2)* Box            ©1978, yellow box, “game program” in red across middle, no warranty box, Printed in USA, no Rev

3)* Box            ©1978, yellow box, white background warranty box, © inside warranty box, Printed in USA

4)* Box            ©1978, yellow box, yellow background warranty box, Printed in USA

5)   Box            ©1981, yellow box, white background warranty box, © outside warranty box

6)   Box            ©1986, yellow box, no warranty box, Printed in Taiwan, 5 languages on back


Bugs Bunny                CX26100

a)* C    Picred2 ©1984, CART1, limited collector’s edition release, unfinished prototype

A)  Manual       ©1984, white, no product #, 8 pages, 5.25 x 7.125”, no printed

1)* Box            ©1984, red box, poor quality photo of Elmer and Bugs, not #’d on box. How many made?

Canyon Bomber          CX2607

a)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, yellow letters, large ®

b)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, EL: yellow/orange letters

c)   R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, yellow letters, small ®

d)* U   2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, thin font, EL: yellow/orange    letters

e)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, yellow letters

f)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART?, gold letters, has “use with…”

g)   R    PicBl    ©1986, CART?, gold letters, no “use with paddle controllers”

h)* R    PicBl    ©1987, CART3, gold letters, no “use with paddle controllers”

i)*  R    PicBl    ©1988, CART3, gold letters, no “use with paddle controllers”

A)  Manual       ©1979, black, C011402-07 on front, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1979, black, C011402-07 on back, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 2

C)  Manual       ©1986, white, C019741-07/A on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1978, brown box, white background warranty box, © inside warranty box, glued flap style box, Printed in USA

2)* Box            ©1978, brown box, brown background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA, Rev 5 on flap

3)* Box            ©1987, grey box, Printed in Taiwan

4)   Box            ©1988, grey box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong


Casino                         CX2652

a)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, green letters, large ®

b)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, green letters, small ®

c)   R    2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, yellow letters, large ®

d)* U   2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, thicker font, ML: 4.5mm space between “CX-2652” and “1-2 BLACK JACK”

e)* R    2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, thinner font, ML: 7mm space between “CX-2652” and “1-2 BLACK JACK” (looks like yellow was stamped over green color)

f)*  R    2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, ML: “CX-2652-P”, PAL

g)* R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, thicker font, A (ace) touches top of picture, chips inside picture

h)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, thinner font, A (ace) inside picture, chips touch bottom of picture

i)*  R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, ML: “CX2652” has an outline, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL      

j)*  R    PicBl    ©1978, CART2, thinner font, A (ace) inside picture, chips touch bottom of picture 

k)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3

A)  Manual       ©1979, black, C011402-52 on front, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1979, black, C011402-52 on back, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 2

C)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016943-52 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

D)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016973-52 on back, 5 languages, 60 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1978, green box, “Special Edition” under the Fuji on the back, no warranty box, “ninety day limited warranty”, Printed in USA

2)* Box            ©1978, green box, “Special Edition” band on front lower right , “Special Edition” to the right of Fuji on the back, green background warranty box , © outside box, Printed in USA, Rev 4 on flap

3)* Box            ©1978, green box, 5 languages on back, no “Special Edition”, Printed in USA


Centipede                   CX2676

a)* C    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, green shows on right side of centipede's 3rd section, spider’s leg in upper left corner has one segment showing

b)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, green shows very little on right side of centipede’s 3rd section, spider’s leg in upper left corner has two segments showing, cannot see top joint

c)* C    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, no green shows on right side of centipede's 3rd section, spider’s leg in upper left corner has two segments showing, can see top joint

d)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, ML: same as version a, EL: “Centipede-p”, PAL

e)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART2, ML: same as version a, EL: “Centipede-p”, PAL

f)*  R    PicGr1  ©1985, CART1, EL: plastic, larger, orange font

g)* R    PicGr1  ©1986  CART?, EL: ?

h)* R    PicGr1  ©1987, CART3, “P” sticker on back, PAL

i)*  R    PicGr1  ©1988, CART1

j)*  R    PicGr1  ©1988, CART3

k)* R    PicGr1  ©1988, CART?, Hong Kong, ML: “CA 400226-076” on bottom right

l)*  R    Picred2 ©1982, CART3, China, EL: paper, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1982, silver, C019741-76 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 6.75”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

A1)      Comic   ©1983, C0 20132 on back, 36 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, no Rev

B)  Manual       ©1982, silver, C019787-76, 5 languages, 20 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1

C)  Manual       ©1988, silver, C019741-76 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7.25”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1982, silver box, front bottom right mentions DC comic book included, Made in USA

2)* Box            ©1982, silver box, no comic included, 6 languages on back

3)* Box            ©1987, silver box, no comic included, 6 languages on back, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Championship Soccer CX2616

a)* C    3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, EL: yellow letters

b)* U   3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, EL: orange/yellow letters

c)* R    3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, orange/yellow letters, medium ®, EL: ?

d)* R    3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, ML: “CX-2616-P”, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1980, white, C011402-16 on back, 20 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1980, light green box, sticker: “Pele's Championship Soccer™ This Game Program™ personally endorsed by Pele.”, green background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA, Rev 1 on flap


Circus Atari                CX2630

a)* U   2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, red letters, large ®

b)* U   2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, red letters, medium ®

c)* C    2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, maroon letters, medium ®

d)* R    2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, maroon letters, medium ®, ML: “CX-2630-P”, PAL

e)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, purple letters, ML: square border inside picture, EL: purple

f)*  R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, purple letters, ML: square border inside picture, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

g)* R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, purple letters, ML: no square border inside picture, EL: purple

h)* R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, lilac letters, ML: no square border inside picture, EL: lilac

i)*  R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, purple letters, ML: square border inside picture, EL: lilac

j)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, purple letters, ML: no “use with…”, EL: plastic

k)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, purple letters, ML: no “use with...” line, EL: paper

l)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, purple letters, ML: correct controller info, EL: plastic, lilac

A)  Manual       ©1980, black, C011402-30 on back, 6 pages (fold out), 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1980, black, C011402-30 on back, 6 pages (fold out), 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 2

C)  Manual       ©1980, white, C016943-30 on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1

D)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016943-30 on back, 5 languages, 32 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1, color cover and contents

E)   Manual       ©1986, white, C019787-30/A on back, 5 languages, 32 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1, b&w cover and contents

F)   Manual       ©1988, white, C019787-30/A on back, 5 languages, 32 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1, b&w cover and contents

1)   Box            ©1978, pink box, no warranty box

2)* Box            ©1978, pink box, white background warranty box, © inside warranty box, Printed in USA, Rev 2 on flap, glued flap style box

3)* Box            ©1980, pink box, pink background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA, Rev 1 on flap

4)* Box            ©1981, purple box, white background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

5)* Box            ©1978, pink box, 5 languages on back, incorrect driving controllers shown, “N” sticker on top flap, Printed in USA, Rev 1 on flap

6)   Box            ©1986, purple box, 5 languages on back, Printed in Taiwan

7)   Box            ©1986, purple box, 5 languages on back, Printed in Taiwan, Made in Taiwan


Codebreaker              CX2643

a)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, green letters, large ®

b)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, green letters, small ®

c)* U   PicBl    ©1978, CART1, green text

d)* R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, green text, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

e)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART2, green text, black tape over mistake on “use with...” line, EL: plastic, “Code Breaker” instead of “Codebreaker”

f)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, green text, black tape over mistake on “use with...” line, EL: plastic, “Code Breaker” instead of “Codebreaker”

g)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART?, green text, no “use with…” line, EL: plastic, “Code Breaker” instead of “Codebreaker”

A)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-43 on front, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA page 11, no Rev

B)  Manual       ©1986, white, C019741-43/A on back, 12 pages, 5 x 6.75”, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1978, green box, no warranty box, error in game variations, should be 1*12 not 1*2, Printed in USA

2)* Box            ©1978, green box, white background warranty box, © inside warranty box, correct game variations on back, Printed in USA

3)* Box            ©1986, grey box, no warranty box, error in game variations, should be 1*12 not 1*2, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1 on flap


Combat                       CX2601

a)*  R    1st txt   no ©, CART1, red letters, large ® , ™ on game variations, EL: red colored border
b)* U   1st txt   no ©, CART1, red letters, small ®, no ™ on “Combat” or game variations, EL: red colored border
c)* R    1st txt   no ©, CART1, red letters, large ®, ™ on game variations , EL: silver border

d)* R    1st txt   no ©, CART1, red letters, small ®, ™ on “Combat but not on game variations EL: silver border with ™
e)* U   1st txt   no ©, CART1, red letters, small ®, no ™ on “Combat” or game variations, EL: silver border
f)*  R    1st txt   no ©, CART1, red letters, ML: 1st txt with small ®, no ™ on “Combat” or game variations, EL: 2nd txt
g)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, large ®, “CX-2601” colored red

h)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, small ®, “CX-2601” colored red
i)*  C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, medium ®,
Taiwan, glossed, plastic label (no paper at all. There is often an air bubble under the plastic label where the cart's screw is. This version of combat is the most popular and can be used as a reference to help you judge what size ® you have on your other carts, medium ® on “Tank”, which is not near the “k” in game options

j)*  R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, medium ®, Taiwan, soft plastic label, “PAL” above “Made in Taiwan”, medium ® on “Tank”
k)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, medium ®,
Taiwan, soft, plastic label, medium ® on “Tank”, almost touches the “k” in the game options, both ML and EL are dull looking

l)*  R    2nd txt no ©, CART1, red letters, medium ®, Taiwan, soft, plastic label, letters and logo are grey instead of silver, EL: border is grey, both ML and EL are dull looking

m)* R   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, medium ®, Taiwan, aluminum foil label, small ® on “Tank”
n)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, medium ®, Taiwan, soft, plastic label, both ML and EL are dull looking, small ® on “Tank”, ML: game options have raised letters as if they were braille
o)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, medium ®, Taiwan, soft, plastic label, medium ® on “Tank”,  which is not near the “k” in game options, both ML and EL are dull looking, (similar to version k)

p)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, rust letters, medium ®, Taiwan, glossed, plastic label, (similar to version i)
q)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, pink letters, medium ®,
Taiwan, paper label, small ® on “Tank”

r)*  R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, rust letters, medium ®, no Taiwan, soft plastic label, small ® on “Tank”

s)*  R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, rust letters, medium ®, no Taiwan, soft plastic label, small ® on “Tank”, EL: fat letters touching each other

t)*  U   PicBl    ©1978, CART1, red letters, regular paper label, bi-plane in upper left completely in picture
u)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, pink letters, plastic coated label (this is a paper label with a plastic coating. It is extremely glossy), bi-plane in upper left completely in picture

v)* U   PicBl    ©1978, CART1, red letters, bi-plane in upper left goes out of picture, “1” in “CX-2601” is below the right end of the tank

w)* R  PicBl    ©1978, CART1, red letters, bi-plane in upper left goes out of picture, “0” in “CX-2601” is below the right end of the tank

x)* R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, red letters, bi-plane in upper left goes out of picture, “1” in “CX-2601” is inside the right end of the tank, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

y)* R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, red letters, bi-plane in upper left goes out of picture, “1” in “CX-2601” is below the right end of the tank, “P” sticker in upper right corner on front, EL:?

z)*  R    PicBl    ©1978, CART?, no “use with…”

A)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011402-01 on front, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Litho in USA, no Rev

B)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011402-01 on front, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in Taiwan, no Rev

D)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011402-01 on front, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 3

E)   Manual       ©1977, black, C011402-01 on back, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 4

F)   Manual       ©1977, white, C016943-01 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Made in Macau, Rev 1

G)  Manual       ©1977, white, C017878-01 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1

H)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016973-01 on back, 5 languages, 40 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in Macau, Rev 2

I)    Manual       ©1978, white, C016973-01 on back, 5 languages, 40 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 2

1)* Box            ©1977, red box, “combat 01” on side going up the box, front opening, no warranty box, instruction manual slot is vertical from top to bottom, small ® on Atari logo on back, box is super glossy, Printed in USA
2)* Box            ©1977, red box, “combat 01” on side going up the box, front opening, no warranty box, instruction manual slot is horizontal on bottom, medium ® on Atari logo on back, Printed in USA

3)* Box            ©1978, red box, white background warranty box, © inside warranty box, Printed in USA

4)* Box            ©1978, red box, red background warranty box, © outside warranty box, no printed, Made in Taiwan on top

5)* Box            ©1978, red box, red background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA, Rev 4 on flap

6)* Box            ©1978, red box, “Game Program” in large yellow letters in center, game options below that, no warranty info on back, Printed in USA

7)* Box            ©1978, red box, no warranty box, Made in Taiwan, Rev 2 on flap

8)   Box            ©1978, red box, no warranty box, Made in Macau

9)* Box            ©1978, red box, 5 languages, Printed in USA

10)*Box            ©1978, red box, 5 languages, Printed in Taiwan

11)*Box            ©1986, dark red box, no warranty box, Printed in Taiwan

12)*Box            ©1986, dark red box, no warranty box, Made in Taiwan, Printed in Taiwan

Cookie Monster

Crunch                        CX26102

a)* C    Yellow  ©1983, CART1

b)* R    Yellow  ©1983, CART1, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1983, yellow, C019741-102 on back, 24 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev A

A1) Overlay     ©1983, yellow, C020996-102, Printed in USA, Rev A

B)  Manual       ©1983, yellow, C019787-102 on back, 5 languages, 36 pages, 5 x 6.75”, Printed in USA, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1983, yellow box, “Use with New Kid’s Controller” sticker on front, Made in USA

2)* Box            ©1983, yellow box, 6 languages on back, Made in USA


Crazy Climber             CX2683

a)* C    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1

1)* Box            ©1983, silver box, “An arcade favorite” written above Crazy Climber on front of box, Made in USA


Crossbow                    CX26139

a)* R    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, “Made in Hong Kong”, ML: CX26139P, PAL

b)* R    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, “Printed in Hong Kong”, ML: CX26139P, PAL

c)* R    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, China, ML: CX26139P, PAL

d)* R    PicBr1  ©1987, CART3, China, ML: CX26139P, PAL

e)* C    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, EL: CA400064-139 on lower right

A)  Manual       ©1988, white, C300016-139 on back, 6 pages (folds out), 5.25 x 7”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1988, red box, Made in Hong Kong, Printed in Hong Kong


Crystal Castles                                   CX26110

a)* C    PicSil2  ©1984, CART1, EL: small

b)* U   PicSil2  ©1984, CART1, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

c)* U   PicSil2  ©1984, CART2, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

d)* U   PicGr2  no ©, CART1, no text below the picture, ™ by “2600” upper right, EL: small ™

e)* U   PicGr2  no ©, CART2, no text below the picture, ™ by “2600” upper right, EL: large ™

f)*  U   PicGr2  no ©, CART2, no text below the picture, ™ by “2600” upper right, EL: small ™

g)* R    PicGr2  no ©, CART3, no text below the picture, no ™ by “2600” upper right, EL: large ™

h)* R    PicGr2  no ©, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: no “use with…”

i)*  R    Picred2 ©1986, CART3, China

A)  Manual       ©1986, white, C0? on back, 4 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev A, b&w cover and contents

B)  Manual       ©1987, white, C019741-110A on back, 4 pages, 4.625 x 7.25”, Printed in Hong KongRev A, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1984, silver box, Made in USA

2)* Box            ©1987, silver box, Made in Hong Kong

3)* Box            ©1987, silver box, 6 languages, Made in Taiwan

4)* Box            ©1987, silver box, 6 languages, Made in Taiwan, Printed in Taiwan

5)* Box            ©1988, silver box, Made in Hong Kong, Printed in Hong Kong

6)* Box            ©1987, red box, Made in China, Printed in Hong Kong


Dark Chambers          CX26151

a)* C    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, EL: CA400064-151 on lower right

b)* R    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, China, EL: CA400064-151 on lower right

c)* R    PicBr1  ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, EL: CA400064-151 on lower right

a)* R    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, “CX26151P”, EL: CA400064-151 on lower right, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1988, white, C300016-151, 6 pages (folds out), size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1988, red box, “New” in lower right corner, Atari advantage sticker on box, Made in Hong Kong, Printed in Hong Kong

2)* Box            ©1988, red box, no stickers, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China

3)* Box            ©1988, brown-red box, no stickers, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Defender                     CX2609

a)* C    PicBl    ©1981, CART1, black border around CX2609, space ship totally visible

b)* R    PicBl-p ©1981, CART1, black border around CX2609, space ship totally visible, EL: small “p” printed on right, PAL

c)* U   PicBl    ©1981, CART1, no border around CX2609, space ship's top wing is cropped off

d)* R    PicBl-p ©1981, CART1, no border around CX2609, space ship's top wing is cropped off, EL: small “p” printed on right, PAL

e)* R    PicBl-p ©1981, CART2, black border around CX2609, space ship totally visible, EL: small “p” printed on right, PAL

f)*  R    PicBl-p ©1981, CART2, black border around CX2609, space ship totally visible, ML: TYPO “©1981 ATRRI”, EL: large “p” printed on right, PAL, grips on side of cart

g)* R    PicBl    ©1985, CART?, black Atari logo and “CX2609”, “Atari, Corp”, space ship’s top wing is cropped off

h)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, no “Use with…”, black Atari logo and “CX2609”, “Atari, Corp”, space ship’s top wing is cropped off , EL: dark blue “Defender”

i)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, no “Use with…”, black Atari logo and “CX2609”, “Atari, Corp”, space ship’s top wing is cropped off , EL: regular blue “Defender”

j)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, no “Use with…”, ML: dark blue “Defender”, black Atari logo and “CX2609”, “Atari, Corp”, space ship’s top wing is cropped off , EL: ?

k)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, background is bright blue instead of black, ML: “Defender” in red, EL: “Defender” in white

l)*  R    Picred1 ©1981, CART?, Hong Kong, ML: “CX2609P”, EL: “CA400225-009” printed on right

A)  Manual       ©1982, white, C016943-09 on back, 20 pages, 5 x 6.75”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

A1)      Comic   ©1982, black, C018256 on back, 52 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Atari Force #1

B)  Manual       ©1982, white, C016973-09 on back, 5 languages, 84 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1981, blue box, contains DC comic book Atari Force #1, Printed in USA, glued flap style box, Rev 2 on flap

2)* Box            ©1981, blue box, contains DC comic book Atari Force #1, Printed in USA, standard flap style box

3)* Box            ©1981, blue box, no comic book, 5 languages, “N” sticker on top flap, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

4)* Box            ©1986, blue box, no comic book, 2 languages (English/German), Printed in Taiwan

5)* Box            ©1987, blue box, no comic book, 5 languages, no printed


Defender II                 CX26120

a)* R    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, China

b)* R    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, Taiwan

c)* C    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong

d)* U   Picred2 ©1989, CART3, Hong Kong

A)  Manual       ©1987, white, C300016-120 on back, 6 pages (folds out), 5 x 7”, Printed in Hong KongRev A

1)* Box            ©1987, red box, Made in Taiwan, Printed in Taiwan

2)* Box            ©1987, red box, Made in China

3)* Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong

4)* Box            ©1989, red box, Atari advantage sticker on box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong


Demons to Diamonds CX2615

a)* C    PicBl    ©1982, CART1, “Demons to Diamonds” in orange

b)* R    PicBl-p ©1982, CART1, “Demons to Diamonds” in orange, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

c)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART2, “Demons to Diamonds” in magenta, EL: plastic

A)  Manual       ©1982, white, C016943-15 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1982, white, C016973-15 on back, 5 languages, 32 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1

C)  Manual       ©1986, white, C019741-15/A on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1982, red box, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

2)* Box            ©1982, red box, 5 languages, Printed in USA

3)* Box            ©1986, grey box, Printed in Taiwan


Desert Falcon             CX26140

a)* R    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, Hong Kong

b)* R    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, Taiwan, ML: “CX26140P”, PAL

c)* R    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, China

d)* C    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “CX26140”

e)* R    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “CA400226-140”

A)  Manual       ©1987, white, C300016-140 on back, 8 pages (folds out), 5 x 7.125”, Printed in Hong KongRev Faith Luck

B)  Manual       ©1988, white, C300016-140 on back, 8 pages (folds out), 5.25 x 7”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev Faith Luck

1)* Box            ©1987, red box, Printed in Hong Kong

2)* Box            ©1987, red box, 5 languages, Made in China

3)* Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong


Diagnostic Cartridge  MA017600

a)* C    ---        no ©, white label, black text, “CPS 2600 Diagnostic Test Cartridge 2.6”


Dig Dug                       CX2677

a)* C    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1

b)* U   PicSil2  ©1983, CART2

c)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART2, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

d)* R    PicGr2  ©1985, CART1, EL: plastic, ML: “©1985 Atari Corp.” in italics

e)* R    PicGr2  ©1986, CART?, “use with joystick controllers”, ML: “©1986 Atari Corp.” in italics

f)*  R    PicGr2  ©1987, CART3, “use with joystick controllers”, ML: “©1987 Atari Corp.” in normal font

g)* U   PicGr2  ©1987, CART3, no “use with joystick controllers”, ML: “©1987 Atari Corp.” in normal font

h)* R    PicGr2  ©1987, CART3, no “use with joystick controllers”, ML: “©1987, Atari Corp.” in italics

i)    R    PicGr2  ©1987, CART3, no “use with joystick controllers”, ML: “©1987 Atari Corp.” normal font

j)*  R    PicGr2  ©1988, CART3, no Hong Kong, ML: legal notice normal font, “©1988, Atari Corp.” in italics

k)* R    PicGr2  ©1988, CART3, no Hong Kong, ML: entire legal notice normal font, “©1988 Atari Corp.”

l)*  R    PicGr2  ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: entire legal notice in italics, “©1988 Atari Corp.”

m)* R   PicGr2  ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “CX 2677P”, PAL

n)   R    Picred2 ©1983, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “CX 2677P”, PAL

o)* R    Picred2 ©1983, CART3, China, ML: “CX2677P”, PAL, EL: “CA400225-077” printed on right

A)  Manual       ©1983, silver, C019741-77 on back, 8 pages (folds out), 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev A

B)  Manual       ©1983, silver, C019787-77 on back, 5 languages, 16 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev A

C)  Manual       ©1987, white, C019787-77/A on back, 5 languages, 16 pages, 5 x 7.125”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A, b&w cover and contents

D)  Manual       ©1987, white, C019787-77/A on back, 5 languages, 16 pages, 5 x 7.125”, Printed in Taiwan, Rev A, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1983, silver box, Made in USA

2)* Box            ©1987, silver box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China

3)* Box            ©1987, silver box, Made in Taiwan

4)* Box            ©1987, silver box, 6 languages, Made in Taiwan, Printed in Taiwan

5)* Box            ©1988, silver box, Made in Hong Kong, Printed in Hong Kong

6)* Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages, Made in China

7)* Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Dodge 'Em                  CX2637

a)* U   3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, red letters

b)* U   3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, maroon letters

c)* R    3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, maroon letters, ML: “CX-2637-P”, PAL

d)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, pink letters

e)* R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, pink letters, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

f)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART2, pink letters, ML: TYPO: “use with paddle controllers”

g)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART?, pink letters, ML: sticker “use with joystick controllers”

h)* R    PicBl    ©1987, CART3, pink letters, ML: no “use with…”, “P” sticker on back, PAL

i)*  R    Picred1 ©1980, CART?, Hong Kong, ML: blue “Dodge ‘Em”, “CX2637P”, EL: “CA400225-037” on right, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1980, black, C011402-37 on back, 6 pages (folds out), 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1980, white, C016943-37 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

C)  Manual       ©1980, white, C016973-37 on back, 24 pages, size?, 5 languages, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)   Box            ©1980, white generic box, came with Action Pak?

2)* Box            ©1980, pink box, no warranty box, “limited ninety day warranty”, Printed in USA, standard flap style box

3)* Box            ©1980, pink box, pink background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA, standard flap style box

4)* Box            ©1980, pink box, 5 languages, Printed in USA

5)   Box            ©1981, pink box, white background warranty box, © outside warranty box

6)* Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Donkey Kong             CX26143

a)* R    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, Taiwan, ML: EL: plastic

b)   C    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, Hong Kong

c)* C    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong

A)  Manual       ©1988, white, C300016-143 on back, 4 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, no Rev

1)   Box            ©1987, red box, Printed in Taiwan

2)* Box            ©1987, red box, Printed in Hong Kong

3)* Box            ©1988, red box, Made in Hong Kong, Printed in Hong Kong


Donkey Kong Jr.        CX26144

a)* R    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, Hong Kong

b)* C    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, dark red background

1)   Box            ©1987, red box, Printed in Taiwan

2)* Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong

3)   Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong


Double Dunk              CX26159

a)* R    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, EL: CA400226-159 on lower right

b)* R    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, China, EL: CA400064-159 on lower right

c)* C    Picred2 ©1989, CART3, Hong Kong, EL: CA400064-159 on lower right

A)  Manual       ©1989, white, C300016-159 on back, 8 pages (folds out), 5 x 7.125”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China

2)* Box            ©1988, red box, Made in China

3)* Box            ©1989, red box, “New” sticker in lower right corner, Atari advantage sticker on box, Made in Hong Kong, Printed in Hong Kong


E.T. The

Extra-Terrestrial        CX2674

a)* C    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, large diamonds on the space ship

b)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, small diamonds on the space ship

c)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, large diamonds on the space ship, blurry photo (looks like double exposure)

d)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, large diamonds on the space ship, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

e)* R    PicGr2  ©1986, CART2, small diamonds, ML: “Atari, Corp.”

A)  Manual       ©1982, silver, C019741-74 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 6.75”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

A1) Tip Sheet   ©1982, white, C020807, 4 pages (folds out), 5 x 7”, no printed, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1982, grey, C19787-74 on back, 32 pages, size?, 5 languages, Printed in USA, Rev 1

C)  Manual       ©1986, grey, b&w cover and contents, C019741-74/A on back, 12 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1982, silver box, Made in USA, Rev 2 on flap, glued flap style box

2)* Box            ©1982, silver box, 6 languages, Made in USA, standard flap style box


Fatal Run                    CX26162

a)* C    Picred2 ©1990, CART3, Hong Kong, EL: CA4000064-162 on lower right

b)* R    Picred2 ©1990, CART3, China, EL: CA4000064-162 on lower right

A)  Manual       ©1990, white, C300016-162 on back, 5.25 x 7”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1990, light red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China

2)   Box            ©1990, dark red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Flag Capture               CX2644

a)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, ML: green text, large ®

b)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, ML: orange text, medium ®, EL: silver border

c)   R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, ML: orange text, medium ®, EL: orange border

d)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, ML: orange text, small ®, EL: silver border

e)* R    PicBl    ©1978, CART?, green letters, red border around picture

f)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, yellow letters, TYPO: “use with paddle controllers”

g)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART?, yellow letters, black tape over mistake “use with…” line

A)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-44 on front, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, no Rev

1)* Box            ©1978, green box, “Game Program” in large yellow letters in center, game options below that, no warranty info on back, Printed in USA

2)   Box            ©?, grey box (more info needed)


Football                       CX2625

a)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, green letters, large ®

b)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, green letters, small ®

c)* R    2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, gold letters, thinner font, EL: gold

d)* U   2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, EL: bright yellow

e)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, green letters

f)    ?    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, green letters, ML: EL: plastic

A)  Manual       ©1979, black, C011402-25 on front, 6 pages (folds out), 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1979, black, C011402-25 on back, 6 pages (folds out), 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 3

C)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016943-25 on back, 12 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1978, green box, no warranty box, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

2)* Box            ©1978, green box, green background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Rev 4 on flap, Printed in USA, standard flap style box (there are 2 versions of this box, one has a green flap with the Rev and product numbers going left to right; the other has a white flap with the Rev going from bottom to top; I cannot find a difference with the box otherwise)

3)   Box            ©1978, green box, no warranty box, Printed in Taiwan, sticker: “Made in Taiwan

4)* Box            ©1981, green box, white background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA, glued flap style box


Fun With Numbers     CX2661

a)* C    2nd txt  ©1977, CART1, medium ®, red letters

b)* R    2nd txt  ©1977, CART1, medium ®, maroon letters, ML: “CX-2661-P”, PAL

c)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART2, EL: plastic, yellow letters

A)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011402-61 on back, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 3

1)   Box            ©1977?, color?

2)* Box            ©1986, grey box, Printed in Taiwan

Galaxian                      CX2684

a)* C    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1, EL: “*” is smaller, center measures 1mm from the “N”

b)* U   PicSil2  ©1983, CART1, EL: “*” is larger, center measures 2.5mm from the “N”

c)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1, EL: plastic, EL: huge font

d)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1, EL: “*” is smaller, center measures 1mm from the “N”, “p” printed on right, PAL

e)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART2, EL: “*” is larger, center measures 2.5mm from the “N”, “p” printed on right, PAL

f)*  R    PicGr2  ©1985, CART1, EL: plastic, EL: huge font

g)* R    PicGr2  ©1986, CART2, EL: plastic, EL: huge font

h)* R    PicGr2  ©1987, CART3, EL: paper, “*” is smaller, center measures 1mm from the “N”

i)*  R    PicGr2  ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, EL: paper, EL: pink letters

j)*  R    Picred2 ©1983, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “CX2684P”, PAL, EL: “CA400225-084” printed on bottom right

k)* R    Picred2 ©1983, CART3, China, ML: “CX2684P”, PAL, EL: “CA400225-084” printed on bottom right

A)  Manual       ©1983, silver, C019741-84 on back, 8 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev B

A1)      Comic   ©1983, color, C020131 on back, 52 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Atari Force #5

B)  Manual       ©1985, silver, C019741-84 & CO19787-84 on back, 5 languages, 12 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev A

C)  Manual       ©1988, white, C019787-084 on back, 5 languages, 12 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev B, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1983, silver box, contains DC comic book Atari Force #5, Made in USA, Rev A on flap

2)* Box            ©1983, silver box, no comic book, Made in USA, 6 languages on back

3)* Box            ©1987, silver box, no comic book, Made in Taiwan, Printed in Taiwan, 6 languages on back

4)* Box            ©1988, silver box, no comic book, Made in Hong Kong, Printed in Hong Kong, 6 languages on back

5)* Box            ©1987, brown box, no comic book, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China, 6 languages on back

6)* Box            ©1988, red box, no comic book, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China, 5 languages on back


Golf                             CX2634

a)* C    2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, small ™

b)   R    2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, large ™

c)* R    2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, yellow letters, small ®, thinner font

d)   R    2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, yellow letters, small ®, thinner font, purple hue on border and logo

e)* R    2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, yellow letters, small ®, ML: “CX-2634-P”, PAL

f)*  U   PicBl    ©1978, CART1, green letters

g)* R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, green letters, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL                   

h)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, yellow letters, ML: no Atari logo, black tape over “use with...” line

i)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART?, yellow letters, ML: TYPO: “use with paddle controllers”

A)  Manual       ©1980, black, C011402-34 on back, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1986, black, C019741-34 on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1980, green box, green background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA, Rev 1 on flap, standard flap style box

2)* Box            ©1981, green box, white background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

3)* Box            ©1980, blue box, 5 languages on back, Printed in USA


Gravitar                       CX2685

a)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1

b)* C    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, EL: CA400064-085 on lower right

A)  Manual       ©1988, white, C300016-085 on back, 6 pages (folds out), 5 x 7”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1983, silver box, Diamond on front says “Based on the award-winning coin-op original!”, Made in USA

2)* Box            ©1988, red box, Made in Hong Kong, Printed in Hong Kong


Gremlins                     CX26127

a)* C    PicSil2  ©1984, CART1

b)* C    PicGr2  ©1986, CART1, EL: plastic label

1)* Box            ©1984, silver box, Made in USA

2)   Box            ©1984, silver box, sticker: “Made in Taiwan


Hangman                     CX2662

a)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, blue letters, large ®, EL: silver border

b)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, blue letters, large ®, EL: gold border

c)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, blue letters, small ®

d)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, small ®

e)* R    2nd txt  ©1978, CART1, red letters, small ®, ML: “CX-2662-P”, PAL                

f)*  U   PicBl    ©1978, CART1, blue letters, white Atari logo & cx2662

g)* R    PicGr2  ©1986, CART3, ML: “Hangman” in black letters, EL: “Hangman” in red letters

A)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-62 on front, 6 pages (folds out), 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, no Rev

B)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-62 on back, 6 pages (folds out), 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 3

C)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011413-62 on front, English/French flip book, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA on pg 6 of each side, no Rev

1)* Box            ©1978, blue box, “Game Program” in large yellow letters in center, game options below that, no warranty info on back, Printed in USA

2)* Box            ©1986, grey box, 5 languages on front, Printed in Taiwan


Haunted House          CX2654

a)* C    PicBl    ©1981, CART1, yellow letters, Atari logo touching bat's arm

b)* U   PicBl    ©1981, CART1, yellow letters, Atari logo not touching bat's arm

c)* R    PicBl-p ©1981, CART1, yellow letters, Atari logo not touching bat’s arm, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

d)* R    PicBl    ©1981, CART2, yellow letters, Atari logo touching bat's arm

e)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, yellow letters, Atari logo touching bat’s arm, ML: no “use with…”, EL: plastic

f)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART?, yellow letters, Atari logo touching bat’s arm

A)  Manual       ©1981, white, C016943-54 on back, 16 pages, 5 x 7.25”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1981, white, C016973-54 on back, 64 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1, 5 languages

1)* Box            ©1981, brown box, no warranty info, Printed in USA, Rev 1, glued flap style box

2)* Box            ©1981, brown box, no warranty info, Printed in USA, Rev?, standard flap style box

3)* Box            ©1981, brown box, 5 languages on back, Printed in USA, standard flap style box

4)   Box            ©1986, color?


Home Run                  CX2623

a)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, ML: orange/gold text, large ®

b)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, ML: orange/gold text, border, and logo, medium ®

c)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold text, medium ®, ML: “h” in home is 1.5 mm below “a” in game

d)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold text, medium ®, ML: “h” in home is 3 mm below “a” in game

e)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, orange letters, white Atari logo & cx2623, “home run”, no 1st base coach on right side of picture

f)*  U   PicBl    ©1978, CART1, orange letters, white Atari logo & cx2623, “home run”, 1st base coach on right side of picture

g)* R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, orange letters, black Atari logo & cx2623, “home run”, EL: pink

h)   R    PicBl    ©1986, CART2, orange letters, EL: plastic, TYPO: “use with paddle controllers”

i)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART?, orange letters, black tape over mistake, “use with…” line, EL: plastic, ML: EL: “homerun”

j)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART2, orange letters, sticker “use with joystick controllers”, EL: plastic, ML: EL: “homerun”

k)   R    PicBl    ©1987, CART3, orange letters, black Atari logo & cx2623, no “use with...” line, EL: “homerun”

l)*  R    PicBl    ©1987, CART3, red letters, black Atari logo & cx2623, no “use with...” line, ML: EL: “homerun”

m)*      R          PicBl    ©1988, CART3, red letters, black Atari logo & cx2623, no “use with...” line, ML: EL: “homerun”

A)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-23 on front, 4 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, no Rev

B)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-23 on back, 4 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 3

C)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016943-23 on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1

D)  Manual       ©1986, white, C019741-23/A on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1, b&w cover and contents

E)   Manual       ©1988, white, C019741-23/A on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev 1, b&w cover and contents
1)* Box            ©1978, orange box, “Game Program” in large red letters in center, game options below that, no warranty info on back, Printed in USA, no Rev, standard flap style box

2)* Box            ©1978, orange box, no warranty box but says “limited ninety day warranty” on back, Game Program in yellow letters, glued flap style box

3)* Box            ©1978, orange box, no warranty box but says “limited ninety day warranty” on back, Game Program in yellow letters, standard flap style box

4)* Box            ©1978, orange box, white background warranty box, © inside warranty box, Printed in USA, standard flap style box

5)   Box            ©1978, orange box, orange background warranty box

6)   Box            ©1987, grey box, Printed in Taiwan

7)* Box            ©1988, grey box, Printed in Hong Kong


Human Cannonball     CX2627

a)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, orange text, large ®, EL: orange text, 51.5 mm long

b)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold text, large ®, EL: pink text, 53 mm long

c)* R    2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, yellow letters, small ®

d)* R    2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, gold letters, small ®, ML: “CX-2627-P”, PAL

e)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, yellow letters, ML: light background, bottom star touches left side of border

f)* U   PicBl    ©1978, CART1, yellow letters, ML: dark background, bottom star does not touch left side of border

g)*  R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, yellow letters, ML: light background, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1979, black, C011402-27 on front, 6 pages (folds out), Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1979, black, C011402-27 on back, 6 pages (folds out), Printed in USA, Rev 2

C)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016943-27 on back, 8 pages, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)   Box            ©1978, brown box, no warranty box

2)   Box            ©1978, brown box, white background warranty box

3)* Box            ©1978, brown box, brown background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA, standard flap style box

4)* Box            ©1978, brown box, 5 languages on back, Printed in USA


Hunt & Score             CX2642

a)   U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, green letters, large ®

b)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, green letters, large ®, ML: gold border, EL: silver border

c)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, green letters, large ®, ML: gold border, EL: gold border

d)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, green letters, small ®

A)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-42 on front, 6 pages (folds out), 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, no Rev

1)* Box            ©1978, pink box, , “Game Program” in large yellow letters in center, game options below that, no warranty info on back, Printed in USA


Ikari Warriors             CX26177

a)* C    Picred2 ©1989, CART3, China, EL: CA400064-177 on lower right

b)   C    Picred2 ©1990, CART3, China

1)* Box            ©1990, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Indy 500                      CX2611

a)* U   1st txt   no ©, CART1, orange text, large ®, EL: colored border

b)* C    1st txt   no ©, CART1, orange text, large ®, EL: silver border

c)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, orange text, large ®

d)   R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, orange text, large ®, EL: yellow text

e)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold text, medium ®, “use the driving...”, ® after “Crash n’ Score”, ™ after “TAG”

f)*  R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold text, small ®, “use the driving...”, no ® after “Crash n’ Score”, no ™ after “TAG”

g)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold text, medium ®, “use the driving...”, ML: “CX-2611-P”, PAL

h)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, orange letters

i)*  R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, orange letters, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

j)*  R    PicBl    ©1978, CART2, orange letters

k)   R    PicBl    ©1986, CART2, ML: black sticker over mistake “use with...” line, ML: orange letters, EL: yellow letters, EL: plastic label

l)*  R    PicBl    ©1987, CART?, ML: orange letters, no “use with…” line

A)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011402-11 on front, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, no Rev

B)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011402-11 on front, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

C)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011402-11 on back, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 5

D)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016973-11 on back, 5 languages, 36 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)   Box            ©1978, orange small box, front opening box, EL: “11 Indy 500”

2)* Box            ©1978, orange small box, orange background warranty box, © outside warranty box

2a)*Box            ©1978, orange box, orange background warranty box, © outside warranty box, large box with small box and two driving controllers inside, “CX2611 1”, flap says rev 4

3)* Box            no ©, orange small box, no warranty box, distributed in Canada on back

3a)*Box            no ©, orange box, no warranty box, distributed in Canada on back, large box with small box and two driving controllers inside

4)* Box            ©1978, orange box, , “Game Program” in large yellow letters in center, game options below that, no warranty info on back, Printed in USA

5a)*Box            ©1978, orange box, white background warranty box, © outside warranty box, large box with small box and two driving controllers inside, “CX2611-1”, Printed in USA

6)* Box            ©1978, orange box, 5 languages, Printed in USA


Joust                           CX2691

a)* U   PicSil2  ©1983, CART1, ML: “Joust” in orange letters

b)* U   PicSil2  ©1983, CART2, ML: “Joust” in orange letters

c)* U   PicSil2  ©1983, CART1, ML: “Joust” in yellow letters

d)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, ML: “Joust” in orange letters, EL: plastic, “p” printed on right, PAL

e)   R    PicGr2  ©1985, CART1, ML: “Joust” in orange letters, EL: plastic, “P” on end but NTSC

f)    R    PicGr2  ©1985, CART1, ML: “Joust” in orange letters, EL: paper

g)* R    PicGr2  ©1985, CART1, ML: “Joust” in orange letters, ML: TYPO: “Atar.”

h)* R    PicGr2  ©1986, CART2, ML: TYPO: “Atar,”

i)*  R    Picred2 ©1983, Hong Kong, ML: CX2691P, black sky, EL: CA400225-091 on lower right, PAL

j)*  R    Picred2 ©1983, China, ML: CX2691, blue sky, “by Williams Electronics” in photo

k)* R    Picred2 ©1983, Taiwan, ML: CX2691, blue sky, no “by Williams..” in photo

A)  Manual       ©1982, silver, C019741-91 on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev A

B)  Manual       ©1985, silver, C019741-91 on back, pages?, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1983, silver box, Made in USA

2)* Box            ©1983, silver box, 6 languages, Made in USA

3)* Box            ©1988, red box, Made in China

4)   Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages on back, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Jr. Pac-Man                CX26123

a)* R    PicBr1  ©1986, CART2, Taiwan, ML: “26123”, EL: plastic

b)* R    Picred1 ©1986, CART3, Taiwan, “P” sticker on back, PAL

c)   U   Picred1 ©1987, CART3, ML: “CX26123”, “printed in Hong Kong” in smaller font size than the rest of the legal notice

d)* U   Picred1 ©1987, CART3, ML: “26123”, “printed in Hong Kong” in same font size as the rest of the legal notice

e)* R    Picred1 ©1987, CART3, Taiwan, bright red, ML: plastic, EL: ™  after title, “P” sticker on back, PAL

f)*  C    PicBr1  ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “CX26123”

g)* R    Picred1 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “CX-26123P”, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1986, white, C019741-123/A on back, 4 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, no Rev

B)  Manual       ©1987, white, C019741-123/A on back, 4 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, no Rev, “B.T.5.1988” on back

C)  Manual       ©1988, white, C019741-123/A on back, 4 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, no Rev, “Faith Luck” on back

1)* Box            ©1987, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China, “Atari Corporation”

2)* Box            ©1987, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China, “Atari Corp.”

3)* Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong


Jungle Hunt                CX2688

a)* C    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1, with ™, ML: “*” is black after title in photo

b)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1, with ™, ML: “*” is white after title in photo

c)* C    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1, with ™, ML: “*” is white after title in photo, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

d)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART2, with ™

e)* R    PicGr2  ©1985, CART1, with ™, EL: plastic

f)*  R    PicGr2  ©1987, CART3, ML: no “use with…” or CX, with ™, TYPO: EL: no “*” after Jungle Hunt

g)* R    PicGr2  ©1988, CART3, with ™, TYPO: EL: no “*” after Jungle Hunt

h)* R    PicGr2  ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, with ™

i)*  R    PicBr2  ©1983, CART3, China, ML: CX2688P, EL: CA400225-088 on lower right, PAL

j)*  R    Picred2 ©1983, CART3, China, ML: CX2688P, EL: CA400225-088 on lower right, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1983, white, C019741-88 on back, 12 pages, 5.25 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev A

B)  Manual       ©1987, white, C019787-88G/A on back, German, 4 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev A

C)  Manual       ©1988, white, C019741-88/A on back, 12 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, no Rev

1)* Box            ©1983, silver box, no ™ after “2600” on top right front, Made in USA

2)* Box            ©1983, silver box, 6 languages on back, Made in USA

3)* Box            ©1988, silver box, ™ after “2600” on top right front, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong

4)   Box            ©1988, silver box, Printed in Hong Kong

5)* Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages on back, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Kangaroo                    CX2689

a)* C    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1

b)* U   PicSil2  ©1983, CART1, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

c)* R    PicGr2  ©1985, CART1, EL: red letters, no “*” after ™

d)* R    PicGr2  ©1985, CART2, EL: red letters, no “*” after ™

e)* R    PicGr2  ©1986, CART2, EL: red letters, no “*” after ™

f)*  U   PicGr2  ©1987, CART3, ML: no “use with…” or CX, EL: red letters

g)* U   PicGr2  ©1988, CART3, EL: red letters

h)   R    PicSil2  ©1988, CART3, EL: light pink letters

i)*  R    Picred2 ©1983, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “CX2689P”, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1983, white, C019741-89 on back, 8 pages (folds out), size, Printed in USA, Rev A

B)  Manual       ©1983, white, C019787-89 on back, 5 languages, 16 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev A

C)  Manual       ©1985, white, C019741-89 on back, 8 pages (folds out), 5 x 7”, Printed in Taiwan, Rev A

D)  Manual       ©1987, white, C019741-89/A on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A, b&w cover and contents

E)   Manual       ©1988, white, C019741-89/A on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A, b&w cover and contents, “V.C.1988.6” on back

F)   Manual       ©1988, white, C019741-89/A on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A, b&w cover and contents, “V.C.1988.7” on back

1)* Box            ©1983, silver box, Rev A on flap

2)* Box            ©1983, silver box, Rev A on flap, Made in USA, 6 languages on back, “N” sticker on top flap

3)* Box            ©1988, silver box, 6 languages on back, Made in Hong Kong, Printed in Hong Kong

4)* Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages on back, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Klax                            CX26192

a)* C    Picred2 ©1990, China, EL: CA400064-192 on lower right

1)* Box            ©1990, red box, “power without the price” ™ on back, Made in China


Krull                            CX2682

a)* C    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1

b)   R    PicGr2  ©1986, CART2, EL: plastic

c)* R    PicGr2  ©1986, CART3, ML: no “use with…” or CX, EL: plastic, “*” over bottom of 2nd “L”

A)  Manual       ©1983, silver, C019741-82 on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev A

B)  Manual       ©1986, silver, C019741-82/A on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1983, silver box, Made in USA

2)* Box            ©1986, silver box, Made in Taiwan

Mario Bros.                CX2697

a)   ?    PicSil1  no ©, CART2, ML: no 2697, no Atari corp. or Atari inc., EL: plastic, GRAY?

b)* C    PicGr1  no ©, CART3, ML: no 2697, no Atari corp. or Atari inc., EL: paper

c)* R    PicGr1  no ©, CART?, Hong Kong, ML: no 2697, no Atari corp. or Atari inc.

d)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1, EL: plastic

e)* C    PicSil2  ©1983, CART2, EL: paper

f)*  R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART2, EL: paper, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

g)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART2, EL: plastic, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

h)   R    PicGr1  ©1983, CART3, ML: no “use with…” or 2697

i)*  R    Picred2 ©1983, CART3, China, ML: CX2697P, EL: CA400225-097 on lower right, PAL

j)*  R    PicBr1  ©1983, CART?, Australia, ML: CX2697P, EL: CA400225-097 on lower right, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1983, silver, C019741-97 on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev A

B)  Manual       ©1986, silver, C019787-97/A on back, 5 languages, 12 pages, size?, Printed in TaiwanRev A, b&w cover and contents

C)  Manual       ©1987, silver, C0?, 5 languages, pages?, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev?, b&w cover and contents

D)  Manual       ©1988, silver, C019787-97/A on back, languages?, pages?, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A, b&w cover and contents

E)   Manual       ©1989, silver, C300016-097 on back, 5 languages, 12 pages, 5 x 7.25”, Printed  in Hong Kong, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1983, silver box, Made in USA

2)* Box            ©1983, silver box, Made in Taiwan sticker

3)* Box            ©1987, silver box, 6 languages on back, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China

4)* Box            ©1988, silver box, 6 languages on back, Made in Hong Kong, Printed in Hong Kong

5)* Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages on back, Made in China


Math Gran Prix           CX2658

a)* C    PicBl    ©1982, CART1

b)* R    PicBl-p ©1982, CART1, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

c)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, red letters

d)* R    PicBl    ©1987, CART3, red letters, EL: paper

e)* R    PicBl    ©1987, CART3, red letters, EL: plastic

1)* Box            ©1982, red box, Printed in USA

2)* Box            ©?, orange box, 5 languages, Printed in USA

3)   Box            ©1987, red box, printed in Taiwan


Maze Craze                 CX2635

a)* U   3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, red letters, medium ®, thinner font (label is usually faded)

b)* R    3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, red letters, medium ®, thicker font

c)* R    3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, red letters, medium ®, thinner font, ML: “CX-2635-P”, PAL

d)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, orange letters, EL: all letters are orange, ML: artist's name half under CX2635,“5” in middle of the shoe

e)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, orange letters, EL: all letters are orange, ML: artist's name half under CX2635,“5” touches sole of the shoe (usually has actiplaque)

f)*  R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, orange letters, EL: all letters are orange, ML: artist's name under CX2635 (you can’t see the name)

g)* R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, orange letters, EL: all letters are orange, ML: artist’s name half under CX2635, “5” in middle of the shoe, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

h)   ?    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, EL: “Maze Craze” in orange; “A Game of Cops 'n Robbers” in white, ML: artist's name half under CX2635, “5” in middle of the shoe

i)    ?    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, EL: “Maze Craze” in orange; “A Game of Cops 'n Robbers” in white, ML: artist's name half under CX2635, “5” touches sole of the shoe

j)    ?    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, EL: “Maze Craze” in orange; “A Game of Cops 'n Robbers” in white, ML: artist's name under CX2635, (you can’t see the name)

k)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART?

A)  Manual       ©1980, black, C011402-35 on back, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1980, black, C011402-35 on back, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 2

C)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016943-35 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1978, orange box, white warranty box, © inside warranty box, no printed, standard flap style box

2)* Box            ©1978, orange box, white warranty box, © inside warranty box, no printed, glued flap style box

3)* Box            ©1980, orange box, no warranty box, “limited ninety day warranty”, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

4)   Box            ©?, orange box, orange background warranty box, © outside warranty box

5)* Box            ©1980, orange box, different artwork than picture label: thief in street running from several policemen, orange background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Rev 1 on flap, Printed in USA

6)   Box            ©?, grey box, printed?


Midnight Magic          CX26129

a)* R    Picred1 ©1986, CART2, Taiwan, ML: “Midnight Magic” in black, EL: plastic, “*” by “Midnight Magic”, ™ by “VCS”

b)* R    Picred1 ©1986, CART3, Taiwan, ML: “Midnight Magic” in black, EL: plastic, “*” by “Midnight Magic”, ™ by “VCS”

c)* U   Picred1 ©1986, CART2, Taiwan, ML: “Midnight Magic” in white, EL: plastic, “*” by “Midnight Magic”, ™ by “VCS”

d)* C    Picred1 ©1986, CART3, Taiwan, ML: “Midnight Magic” in white, EL: plastic, “*” by “Midnight Magic”, ™ by “VCS”

e)* C    PicBr1  ©1986, CART3, Taiwan, ML: “Midnight Magic” in white, EL: plastic, “*” by “Midnight Magic”, ™ by “VCS”

f)*  R    Picred1 ©1987, CART3, Taiwan, white letters

g)* U   Picred1 ©1987, CART3, Hong Kong, white letters, EL: ™ by “Midnight Magic”, ® by “VCS”

h)* R    PicBr1  ©1987, CART3, Hong Kong, white letters, EL: ™ by “Midnight Magic”, ® by “VCS”

i)*  R    Picred1 ©1987, CART3, China, white letters, “P” sticker on back, PAL

j)*  R    Picred1 ©1987, CART3, Hong Kong, white letters, labels have been cut the wrong way! The title “Midnight Magic - Atari 2600 VCS” is now on the main label, below the B/W picture; end label has the text of  what should have been ABOVE the B/W picture: “Atari 2600 video game cartridge”, PAL

k)* R    Picred1 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, white letters, EL: ™ by “Midnight Magic”, ® by “VCS”

A)  Manual       ©1986, white, C019741-129 on back, 4 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in Taiwan, no Rev

B)  Manual       ©1986, white, C019741-129/A on back, 4 pages, size?, Printed in China sticker, no Rev, b&w cover and contents

C)  Manual       ©1987, white, C019741-129/A on back, 4 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, no Rev, b&w cover and contents

1)   Box            ©1986, red box, Printed in Taiwan

2)* Box            ©1987, red box, Printed in Hong Kong

3)* Box            ©1987, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China

4)* Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong


Millipede                    CX26118

a)* U   PicSil2  ©1984, CART1, regular paper end label, ML: “Millipede” in orange

b)* U   PicSil2  ©1984, CART1, regular paper end label, ML: “Millipede” in yellow

c)* R    PicSil2  ©1984, CART2, plastic end label, ML: “Millipede” in yellow

d)* R    PicGr2  ©1987, CART3, ML: “use with…”, EL: plastic

e)* R    PicGr2  ©1987, CART3, ML: no “use with…”, EL: paper

f)*  C    PicGr2  ©1988, CART3, ML: no “use with…”, “Millipede” in orange, EL: paper

g)* C    PicGr2  ©1988, CART3, ML: no “use with…”, “Millipede” in pink, EL: plastic

h)* R    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, Taiwan, glossy labels, EL: black with red letters, PAL

i)*  R    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, Taiwan, glossy labels, EL: red with white letters, no “CA400225-118”, PAL

j)*  R    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “CX26118P”, EL: red with white letters, “CA400225-118” on bottom right, PAL

k)* R    PicBr2  ©1988, CART?, Hong Kong, ML: “CA 4000226-118” on bottom right, EL: black with red letters, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1984, white, C019741-118 on back, 4 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev A

B)  Manual       ©1984, white, C019741-118 on back, 4 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev A

C)  Manual       ©1987, white, C019741-118 on back, 4 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A

D)  Manual       ©1987, white, C019741-118/A on back, 4 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A, b&w cover and contents

E)   Manual       ©1988, white, C019741-118/A on back, 4 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1986, silver box, no ™ after Millipede on front, Made in Taiwan

2)* Box            ©1988, silver box, ™ after Millipede on front, Made in Hong Kong

3)   Box            ©1988, silver box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong

4)* Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages on back, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China

5)* Box            ©1987, red-brown box, 8 languages on back, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China

6)* Box            ©1987, dark brown box, 8 languages on back, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Miniature Golf                                    CX2626

a)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, large ®

b)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, maroon letters, small ®

c)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, maroon letters, large ®, EL: silver letters (unique error?)

d)* C    2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, red letters, large ®, ML: “CX-2626-P”, PAL

e)* R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, red letters, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1979, black, C011402-26 on front, 6 pages (folds out), 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1978, maroon box, maroon background warranty box, © outside warranty box


Missile Command      CX2638

a)* C    PicBl    ©1981, CART1, ML: EL: lower case letters

b)* R    PicBl-p ©1981, CART1, ML: EL: lower case letters, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

c)* R    PicBl-p ©1981, CART?, ML: upper case letters, EL: lower case letters, “p” printed on right, PAL

d)* R    PicBl-p ©1981, CART?, ML: yellow upper case letters, EL: upper case letters, “p” printed on right, PAL

e)* R    PicBl    ©1981, CART1, ML: lower case letters, EL: upper case letters

f)*  U   PicBl    ©1981, CART1, ML: upper case letters, EL: lower case letters

g)* C   PicBl    ©1981, CART1, ML: EL: upper case letters

h)* R    PicBl    ©1981, CART2, ML: EL: upper case letters

i)*  R    PicBl    ©1985, CART2, ML: lower case orange letters, EL: upper case yellow letters on plastic

j)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART2, ML: lower case orange letters, EL: upper case yellow letters on plastic

k)* R    PicBl    ©1987, CART?, no “use with…” line

l)*  R    PicBl    ©1991, CART?, no “use with…” line, PAL

m)*      R          Picred2 ©1980, CART3, Hong Kong, “P” sticker on back, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1981, white, C016943-38 on back, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1981, white, C016943-38 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 2

C)  Manual       ©1981, white, C016943-38 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 3

D)  Manual       ©1980, white, C016973-38 on back, 5 languages, 44 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1980, yellow-orange box, no warranty box, “limited ninety day warranty” on back, Printed in USA, Rev 3 on flap, glued flap style box

2)* Box            ©1980, yellow-orange box, no warranty box, “limited ninety day warranty” on back, Printed in USA, standard flap style box

3)* Box            ©1980, yellow-orange box, white warranty box, © inside warranty box, Printed in USA, Rev 2 on flap, glued flap style box

4)* Box            ©1981, yellow-orange box, white warranty box, © inside warranty box, Printed in USA, Rev 1 on flap, glued flap style box

5)* Box            ©1981, yellow-orange box, white warranty box, © inside warranty box, Printed in USA, standard flap style box

6)* Box            ©1980, yellow-orange box, 5 languages on back, Printed in USA, “N” sticker on top flap, Rev 1 on flap, standard flap style box

7)* Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages on back, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Moon Patrol                CX2692

a)* C    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1

b)* U   PicSil2  ©1983, CART2

c)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART2, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

d)* R    PicGr2  ©1985, CART1, EL: plastic

e)* R    PicGr2  ©1985, CART3

f)* R    PicGr2  ©1986, CART3

g)*  R    PicGr2  ©1987, CART3, ML: no “use with…”, ML: EL: plastic

h)* R    Picred2 ©1983, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “CX2692P”, EL: CA400225-092 on lower right

i)* R    Picred2 ©1983, CART3, China, ML: “CX2692P”, EL: CA400225-092 on lower right

A)  Manual       ©1983, white, C019741-92 on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev A

B)  Manual       ©1987, grey, C019787-92/A on back, 5 language, 12 pages, size?, Printed in TaiwanRev A, b&w cover and contents

C)  Manual       ©1988, grey, C019787-92 on back, 5 language, 12 pages, 5 x 7.25”, Printed in TaiwanRev A, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1983, grey box, Made in USA

2)* Box            ©1987, grey box, 6 languages on back, Printed in Taiwan, Made in Taiwan, Rev A on flap

3)* Box            ©1987, grey box, 6 languages on back, Made in China

4)* Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages on back, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Motorodeo                  CX26171

a)* C    Picred2 ©1990, CART?, Hong Kong, EL: CA400064-171 on lower right

b)* U   Picred2 ©1990, CART?, China

1)* Box            ©1990, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Mouse Trap                CX26146

a)* C    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, Taiwan (label is bright red)

b)   U   PicBr1  ©1987, CART3, Hong Kong

c)* U   Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong

d)* C    PicBr1  ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong

A)  Manual       ©1988, white, C300016-146 on back, 4 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev Faith Luck

1)* Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong

2)   Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong


Ms. Pac-Man              CX2675

a)* C    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, ML: “Gus Allen” touches bottom of picture

b)* U    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, ML: “Gus Allen” does not touch bottom of picture

c)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, ML: “Gus Allen” touches bottom of picture, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

d)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, ML: “Gus Allen” does not touch bottom of picture, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

e)* R    PicGr1  ©1985, CART1, EL: plastic

f)*  R    PicGr1  ©1986, CART2, ML: “2675”

g)* R    PicGr1  ©1987, CART3, ML: “2675”, no “Gus Allen”

h)* R    PicGr1  ©1987, CART3, ML: “CX2675”, no “Gus Allen”

i)*  R    PicGr1  ©1988, CART3, ML: no “printed in xxx” notice

j)*  R    PicGr1  ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong

k)* R    PicGr1  ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “CX 2675P”, PAL

l)*  R    PicGr0  ©1982, CART?, ML: Error: no “Atari 2600” at top, has “use with…”

m)*      R          PicGr0  no ©, CART2, ML: Error: no “Atari 2600” nor any other info, has “use with…”, pirate?

n)* R    Picred2 ©1982, CART?, Hong Kong, ML: “CX 2675P”, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1982, silver, C019741-75 on back, 12 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1982, silver, C019741-75 on back, 12 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 2

C)  Manual       ©1987, white, C019741-75 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7.25”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev 1, b&w cover and contents

1)   Box            ©1982, silver box, sticker: “super arcade-like graphics”

2)* Box            ©1982, silver box, Made in USA, Rev 2 on flap

3)* Box            ©1987, silver box, Made in China

4)   Box            ©1988, silver box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong

5)* Box            ©1988, silver box, 6 languages on back, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China, Rev 1 on flap

6)* Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages on back, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China

Night Driver               CX2633

a)* R    2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, red letters, large ® EL: ®, ML: “use with paddles”

b)* U   2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, red letters, large ® EL: ™, ML: “use with paddles”

c)* R    2nd txt  ©1980, CART2, red letters, medium ®, ML: “CX-2633-P”, PAL

d)* U   3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, red letters, small ®, ML: “use with standard”, “Atari” measures 1.5mm from bottom border, EL: ®

e)* R    3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, red letters, small ®, ML: “use with standard”, “Atari” measures 2.5mm from bottom border, EL: ®

f)*  C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, yellow letters

g)* R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, yellow letters, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

h)* R    PicBl    ©1978, CART2, yellow letters

i)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, red/rust colored letters, EL: plastic

j)*  R    PicBl    ©1987, CART3, red/rust colored letters

A)  Manual       ©1980, black, C011402-33 on back, 6 pages (folds out), 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 2

B)  Manual       ©1980, white, C016943-33 on back, 8 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

C)  Manual       ©1980, white, C016973-33 on back, 5 languages, 20 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)   Box            ©1980, brown box, no warranty box, game options above Atari address

2)* Box            ©1980, brown box, brown background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA, Rev 1 on flap

3)* Box            ©1980, brown box, 5 languages on back, “N” on top lid, Printed in USA, Rev 1 on flap

4)   Box            ©1986, grey box, printed in Taiwan


Obelix                         CX26117

a)* C    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1, EL: paper, “p” printed on right, PAL

b)* C    PicSil2  ©1983, CART?, EL: paper, “Obelix*”

c)* C    PicSil2  ©1986, CART2, ML: plastic, EL: plastic, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1986, C019787-117/A on back, 5 languages, 12 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1983, grey box, 6 languages on back, “N” sticker on top flap, Made in USA

2)* Box            ©1986, grey box, 5 languages on front, Printed in Taiwan


Off the Wall                 CX26168

a)* C    Picred2 ©1989, CART3, China, EL: CA400064-168 on lower right

A)  Manual       ©1989, white, C300016-168 on back, 6 pages (folds out), 5 x 7.125”, Printed in Hong KongRev A

1)* Box            ©1989, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Oscar's Trash Race    CX26101

a)* C    Yellow  ©1983, CART1, EL: small ™+

b)* R    Yellow  ©1986, CART2, EL: large ™+

A)  Manual       ©1983, yellow, C019741-101 on back, 24 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev A

A1)      Overlay            ©1983, green, C020996-101, Printed in USA, Rev A

A2)      Overlay            ©1986, green, C020995-101, Printed in Taiwan, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1983, yellow checkered box, “Made in Taiwan” tape on box


Othello                                                CX2639

a)* U   3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, gold  letters, upper case letters

b)* R    3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, gold letters, upper case letters, ML: “CX-2639-P”, PAL

c)* R    3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, yellow letters, upper case letters

d)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, green letters

e)* R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, green letters, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

f)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART2, green letters, EL: plastic

A)  Manual       ©1981, black, C011402-39 on back, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1981, black, C011402-39 on back, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 2

1)* Box            ©1980, green box, “strategy disk game and equipment” on front, no warranty box, “limited ninety day warranty” on back, Printed in USA, Rev 3 on flap, glued flap style box

2)* Box            ©1980, green box, “strategy game and disc equipment” on front, green warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA

3)* Box            ©1980, green box, 5 languages on back, Printed in USA

4)* Box            ©1986, green box, no “Warner Communications” on front, no warranty info, Printed in Taiwan


Outlaw                         CX2605

a)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, large ®, silver border

b)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, large ®, gold border

c)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, small ®

d)* U   2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®

e)* R    2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, ML: “CX-2605-P”, PAL

f)*  C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, yellow letters

g)* R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, yellow letters, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

h)* R    PicBl    ©1985, CART1, ML: yellow letters, has “use with…”, no 2605, PAL

i)*  R    PicBl    ©1985, CART3, ML: yellow letters, has “use with…”, no 2605, PAL

j)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART2, yellow letters, EL: plastic

A)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-05 on front, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA pg 2, no Rev

B)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-05 on back, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 4

C)  Manual       ©1978, black, C014897-05 on front, English/French flipbook, 16 pages, Printed in USA pg 2, no Rev

D)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016943-05 on back, 12 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1978, brown box, “Game Program” in large yellow letters in center, game options below that, no warranty info on back, Printed in USA

2)   Box            ©1978, brown box, brown background warranty box, © outside warranty box

3)* Box            ©1978, brown box, white background warranty box, © inside warranty box, Printed in USA, standard flap style box

4)* Box            ©1978, brown box, white background warranty box, © inside warranty box, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

5)* Box            ©1978, brown box, 5 languages on back, Printed in USA

6)* Box            ©1981, brown box, white background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA, glued flap style box


Pac-Man                      CX2646

a)* C    PicBl    ©1981, CART1, hollow “6” in 2646, left ghost’s eye not touching border

b)* U   PicBl    ©1981, CART1, filled “6” in 2646, left ghost’s eye touching border

c)* R    PicBl    ©1981, CART2, filled “6” in 2646

d)* R    PicBl-p ©1981, CART1, hollow “6” in 2646, left ghost’s eye not touching border, EL: small “p” printed on right, PAL

e)* R    PicBl-p ©1981, CART1, filled “6” in 2646, left ghost’s eye touching border, EL: small “p” printed on right, PAL

f)*  R    PicBl-p ©1981, CART2, hollow “6” in 2646, left ghost’s eye not touching border, ML: TYPO: “©1981 ATRRI”, EL: large “p” printed on right, grips on side of cart, PAL

g)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART2, Pac-Man outside border

h)* R    PicBl    ©1987, CART3, Pac-Man outside border

i)*  R    PicBl    ©1987, CART3, Pac-Man outside border, ML: no “use with...”

A)  Manual       ©1981, white, C016943-46 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1981, white, C016973-46 on back, 5 languages, 48 pages, Printed in USA, Rev 1

C)  Manual       ©1987, white, C019741-46/A on back, 12 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1981, yellow-orange box, sticker: “Atari Pac-Man ™ of Midway MFG.”, Printed in USA, Rev 1 on flap, glued flap style box

2)* Box            ©1981, yellow-orange box, no stickers, Printed in USA, Rev 1 on flap, glued flap style box

3)* Box            ©1981, yellow-orange box, no stickers, Printed in USA, Rev?, standard flap style box

4)   Box            ©1981, yellow-orange box, sticker: “Sold with Atari 2600 not for resale”

5)* Box            ©1981, yellow-orange box, 5 languages, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

6)* Box            ©1981, yellow-orange box, 5 languages, Printed in USA, standard flap style box

7)   Box            ©1987, yellow-orange box, Made in Hong Kong, Printed in Taiwan


Pele's Soccer              CX2616

a)* C    PicBl    ©1981, CART1

b)* R    PicBl-p ©1981, CART1, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

c)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART2, ML: TYPO: “Atari game program manual” instead of “use with joystick controllers”, EL: plastic

d)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART2, ML: TYPO: “Atari game program manual” instead of “use with joystick controllers”, “P” sticker on bottom left, EL: plastic

e)* R    PicBl    ©1987, CART3, ML: TYPO: “Atari game program manual” instead of “use with joystick controllers”, EL: plastic, “P” sticker on back, PAL

f)*  R    PicBl    ©1988, CART3, ML: TYPO: “Atari game program instructions” instead of “use with joystick controllers”, EL: paper

A)  Manual       ©1988, white, C019741-16/A on back, 20 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev 1, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1981, light green box, white background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Printed in USA, standard flap style box

2)* Box            ©1981, light green box, white background warranty box, © inside warranty box, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

3)* Box            ©1981, green box, 5 languages on back, Printed in USA

4)   Box            ©1986, green box, 5 languages on back, Printed in Taiwan

5)* Box            ©1988, green box, 5 languages on back, Printed in Hong Kong


Pengo                          CX2690

a)* R    PicSil2  ©1984, CART1

b)* C    PicSil2  ©1984, CART2

c)* R    PicBl-p ©1986, CART?, ML: “Pengo” in lower case, red letters, TYPO: “use with paddle controllers”, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

d)* R    PicBl-p ©1986, CART?, ML: “Pengo” in lower case, red letters, black tape over typo, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

e)* R    PicBl-p ©1987, CART?, ML: “Pengo” in lower case, red letters, Error: no “use with…”, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1984, white, C019741-90 on back, 4 pages, 4.5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1984, silver box, Made in USA


Pepsi Invaders!          ??

a)         ---        no label was made for this cart, only 125 were made, used to be called “Coke Wins!”

1)* Box            no ©, generic white box, sticker: “Atari goes better with Coke”, glued flap style box


Phoenix                       CX2673

a)* C    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, text 6mm from bottom of label

b)* U   PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, text 3mm from bottom of label, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

c)* C   PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, text 3mm from bottom of label

d)   R    PicSil1  ©1985, CART1, EL: plastic

e)* R    PicGr1  ©1987, CART3, ML: no “use with…”

f)*  R    PicGr1  ©1988, CART3, ML:  no “use with…”, “Atari Corp.”

g)* R    PicGr1  ©1988, CART3, ML:  no “use with…”, “Atari Corporation”

h)* R    Picred2 ©1982, CART?, Hong Kong, ML: “CX 2673P”, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1982, silver, C019741-73 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

A1)      Comic   ©1982, color, C020133 on back, 20 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Atari Force #4

B)  Manual       ©1982, silver, C019787-73 on back, 5 languages, 16 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1

C) Manual       ©1987, grey, C019787-73/A on back, 5 languages, 16 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev 2, b&w cover and contents

D)  Manual       ©1988, grey, C019787-73/A on back, 5 languages, 16 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev 2, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1982, silver box, contains DC comic book Atari Force #4, Made in USA, Rev 1 on flap

2)* Box            ©1988, silver box, no comic book, 6 languages on back, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong, Rev 2 on flap

3)* Box            ©1988, red box, no comic book, 5 languages on back, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Pigs in Space               CX26114

a)* C    Purple   ©1983, CART1, ML: EL: dark purple

b)* C    Purple   ©1983, CART1, ML: dark purple, EL: pink

c)* C    Purple   ©1983, CART1, ML: EL: pink, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

d)   U   Purple   ©1983, CART2

e)* R    Purple   ©1986, CART2, ML: purple

1)* Box            ©1983, purple box, Made in USA

2)* Box            ©1983, purple box, 6 languages on back, Made in USA


Pole Position               CX2694

a)* C    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1

b)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

c)* R    PicSil2  ©1983, CART2, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

d)* U   PicGr1  no ©, CART1, ML: no 2694, no “use with...”, EL: plastic, TYPO: “pole positn”

e)* R    PicGr1  no ©, CART3, ML: no 2694, no “use with…”

f)*  R    PicGr1  ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “CX 2694P”, PAL

g)* R    Picred2 ©1983, CART3, China, ML: CX2694P, EL: CA400225-094 on lower right, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1983, white, C019741-94 on back, 8 pages (folds out), 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev A

B)  Manual       ©1985, white, C019787-94 on back, 16 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev A

C)  Manual       ©1987, white, C019787-94/A on back, 5 languages, 16 pages, 5.125 x 7.25”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A, b&w cover and contents

D)  Manual       ©1987, white, C019787-94/A on back, languages?, pages?, size?, Printed in China, Rev A, b&w cover and contents

E)   Manual       ©1988, white, C019787-94/A on back, 5 languages, 16 pages, 5 x 7.125”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1983, silver box, Made in USA

2)   Box            ©1987, silver box, sticker: “made in china”

3)* Box            ©1987, silver box, Made in China

4)* Box            ©1987, silver box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China

5)* Box            ©1988, silver box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong, Rev A on flap

6)* Box            ©1988, silver box, sticker: “Atari Advantage”, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong

7)* Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages, Made in China


Q*bert                                                CX26150

a)* U   Picred2 ©1987, CART3, Hong Kong

b)* R    Picred2 ©1987, CART?, Taiwan

c)* U   Picred2 ©1987, CART3, Taiwan, ML: “CX26150P”, PAL

d)* C    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong

e)* R    PicBr2  ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “CX26150P”, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1987, C300016-150, 6 pages (folds out), size?, Printed in Taiwan, no Rev

B)  Manual       ©1988, C300016-150, 6 pages (folds out), 5 x 7”, Printed in Hong Kong, no Rev, “M.W. 2. 1988” on back

C)  Manual       ©1988, C300016-150, 6 pages (folds out), size?, Printed in Hong Kong, no Rev, “M.W. 5.1988” on back

1)* Box            ©1987, red box, Printed in Taiwan

2)* Box            ©1987, red box, 5 languages on back, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China

3)* Box            ©1987, red box, 5 languages on back, Made in China, Printed in Hong Kong

4)* Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong

5)   Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong


Quadrun                      CX2686

a)* C    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1

b)   C    LL        Atari Lab Loaner label put on by Best Electronics, these are real chips

A)  Manual       ©1983, grey, C019741-86 on back, 4 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1983, grey box, Made in USA


Racing Pak                  PRO 811

1)   Box            green outer box, contains Indy 500, Driving Controller, and Street Racer


Radar Lock                 CX26176

a)* C    Picred2 ©1989, CART3, China, EL: CA400066-176 on lower right

A)  Manual       ©1989, white?, C300016-176 on back, 16 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1989, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China

2)* Box            ©1989, red box, Made in China


Raiders of the

Lost Ark                     CX2659

a)* C    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, ML: belt buckle doesn't touch bottom of picture, EL: lower case letters

b)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART2, ML: belt buckle doesn't touch bottom of picture, EL: lower case letters

c)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, ML: belt buckle touches bottom of picture, EL: lower case letters

d)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART2, ML: belt buckle touches bottom of picture, EL: lower case letters

e)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, ML: belt buckle touches bottom of picture, EL: lower case letters, “p” on right side of label, PAL

f)*  R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, ML: belt buckle doesn’t touch bottom of picture, EL: upper case orange letters

g)   R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART2, ML: belt buckle doesn't touch bottom of picture, EL: “RAIDERS LOST ARK”, plastic labels

h)* R    PicGr1  ©1986, CART2, ML: has “use with…,” has 2659, EL: “RAIDERS LOST ARK”

i)*  R    PicGr1  ©1986, CART3, ML: no “use with…”, has 2659, EL: “RAIDERS LOST ARK”, plastic labels

A)  Manual       ©1982, silver, C019741-59 on back, 20 pages, 5 x 7”, Made in USA, Rev 1

A1)      Ad Slick            no ©, white, C020361, 1 sheet, 4.25 x 7.125”, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1982, grey, C019787-59 on back, 5 languages, pages?, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1982, silver box, Made in USA, Rev 1 on flap, glued flap style box

2)* Box            ©1982, silver box, 6 languages on back, Made in USA, glued flap style box


Realsports Baseball   CX2640

a)* C    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1

b)* U   PicGr1  ©1987, CART3, ML: no “use with…”, “Atari, Corp.”, “CX2640”

c)* R    PicGr1  ©1987, CART3, ML: no “use with…”, “Atari, Corp”, “2640”

d)* R    PicGr1  ©1988, CART3, ML: no “use with…”, “Atari, Corp.”

e)* R    PicGr1  ©1988, CART3, ML: no “use with…”, “Atari, Corporation

A)  Manual       ©1982, silver, C019741-40 on back, 12 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1988, grey, C019741-40/A on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1982, silver box, sticker: “Save $2 valuable coupon inside”, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

2)   Box            ©1987, silver box, Printed in Hong Kong

3)* Box            ©1988, silver box, “Atari, Corp.”, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong, Rev 1 on flap

4)* Box            ©1988, silver box, “Atari, Corporation”, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong


Realsports Basketball                        CX2679

a)* C    PicSil1  ©1982, CART3, limited collector’s edition of 250 cartridges, unfinished prototype

A)  Manual       ©1982, grayish-blue, 8 pages, 5.25 x 7”

1)* Box            ©1982, silver box, each box is individually #’d out of 250


Realsports Boxing      CX26135

a)* R    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, Hong Kong

b)* C    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, Taiwan

c)* R    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, Taiwan, ML: “CX26135P”, EL: plastic, PAL

d)* R    Picred2 ©1987, CART3, China, ML: “CX26135P”, EL: CA400225-135 on right, PAL

e)* C    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong

f)*  R    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: no “CX26135”, “P” sticker on back, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1987, white, C300016-135 on back, 6 pages (folds out), 5 x 6.875”, Printed in Taiwan, Rev A

B)  Manual       ©1987, white, C300016-135 on back, 6 pages (folds out), size?, Printed in Hong KongRev A

C)  Manual       ©1988, white, C300016-135 on back, 6 pages (folds out), size?, Printed in Hong KongRev A, “M.W.6.1988” on back

D)  Manual       ©1988, white, C300016-135 on back, 6 pages (folds out), size?, Printed in Hong KongRev A, “M.W.10.1988” on back

1)* Box            ©1988, red box, Made in Hong Kong, Printed in Hong Kong

2)* Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages on back, Made in?


Realsports Football    CX2668

a)* C    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1

b)* U   PicGr1  ©1987, CART3, ML: no “use with…” line

c)   U   PicGr1  ©1988, CART3, ML: no “use with…” line

A)  Manual       ©1982, silver, C019741-68 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1987, grey, C019741-68/A on back, 12 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1, b&w cover and contents

C)  Manual       ©1987, grey, C019741-68/A on back, 12 pages, 5.125 x 7.125”, Printed in Hong Kong,

                        Rev 1

D)  Manual       ©1988, grey, C019741-68/A on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7.25”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1982, silver box, Made in USA, Rev 2 on flap

2)   Box            ©1987, silver box, Printed in Taiwan

3)* Box            ©1987, silver box, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A on flap

4)* Box            ©1988, silver box, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A on flap

5)   Box            ©1988, silver box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong


Realsports Soccer      CX2667

a)* C    PicSil1  ©1983, CART1, grass is lighter

b)* R    PicSil1  ©1983, CART1, grass is darker, double line on soccer ball over main player’s left shoulder

c)* U   PicSil1  ©1983, CART2, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

d)* R    PicGr1  ©1986, CART2, “Football Realsports Soccer”, ML: “use with joystick controllers”

e)* U   PicGr1  ©1987, CART3, “Football Realsports Soccer”, ML: “use with joystick controllers”

f)*  R    PicGr1  ©1987, CART3, “Football Realsports Soccer”, ML: no “use with joystick controllers”

g)* R    PicGr1  ©1988, CART3, “Football Realsports Soccer”, ML: no “use with joystick controllers

h)* R    Picred2 ©1983, CART3, China, ML: “CX2667P”, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1982, silver, C019741-67 on back, 12 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev A

B)  Manual       ©1987, white, C019741-67/A on back, 12 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1983, silver box, Made in USA, Rev A on flap

2)* Box            ©1987, silver box, “football” version, 6 languages on back, Made in Hong Kong

3)* Box            ©1987, silver box, “football” version, 6 languages on back, Made in China

4)* Box            ©1988, silver box, “football” version, 6 languages on back, Made in Hong Kong

5)   Box            ©1988, silver box, “football” version, 6 languages on back, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong

6)* Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages, Made in China


Realsports Tennis      CX2680

a)* C    PicSil1  ©1983, CART1

b)* R    PicSil1  ©1983, CART1, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

c)* R    PicSil1  ©1983, CART2, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

d)* R    PicGr1  ©1985, CART1

e)* R    PicGr1  ©1986, CART?

f)*  U   PicGr1  ©1987, CART3, ML: no “use with…”, has 2680

g)* R    PicGr1  ©1987, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: no “use with…”, has 2680

h)* R    PicGr1  ©1988, CART3, ML: no “use with…”, has 2680

i)*  R    Picred2 ©1983, CART3, China, ML: “CX2680P”, small “Made in China”, EL: CA400225-080 on lower right, PAL

j)*  R    Picred2 ©1983, CART3, China, ML: “CX2680P”, large “Made in China”, EL: CA400225-080 on lower right, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1983, silver, C019741-80 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev A

B)  Manual       ©1987, grey, C019787-80/A on back, 5 languages, 20 pages, 5 x 7.125”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1983, silver box, Made in USA, Rev A on flap
2)   Box            ©1987, silver box,
Hong Kong

3)* Box            ©1987, silver box, 6 languages on back, Made in China

4)* Box            ©1988, silver box, Made in Hong Kong

5)* Box            ©?, red box, Made in ?


Realsports Volleyball CX2666

a)* C    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, ML: “USA” on shirt doesn’t touch bottom of picture

b)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, ML: “USA” on shirt touches bottom of picture

c)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART?, ML: “USA” on shirt doesn’t touch bottom of picture, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

d)* R    PicGr1  ©1986, CART3, ML: title bar inside picture, no “use with...”, EL: plastic

e)* R    PicGr1  ©1986, CART3, ML: title bar inside picture, has “use with…”

f)*  R    PicGr1  ©1987, CART3, ML: title bar inside picture, no “use with...”

g)* R    PicGr1  ©1988, CART3, ML: title bar inside picture, no “use with…”

h)* R    Picred2 ©1983, CART3, China, ML: “CX2666P”, EL: CA400225-066 on lower right, PAL

i)*  R    Picred2 ©1983, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “CX2666P”, EL: CA400225-066 on lower right, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1982, silver, C019741-66 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1988, white, C019787-66/A on back, 5 languages, 16 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1982, silver box, sticker: “Save $2 valuable coupon inside”, Printed in USA, Rev 1 on flap, glued flap style box

2)* Box            ©1982, silver box, 6 languages, Made in USA, glued flap style box

3)   Box            ©1986, silver box, 6 languages on back, Made in Taiwan

4)* Box            ©1986, grey box, 6 languages on back, Made in China, Printed in China

5)   Box            ©1987, grey box, 6 languages on back, Made in Hong Kong

6)* Box            ©1988, grey box, 6 languages on back, Made in Hong Kong, Printed in Hong Kong

7)* Box            ©1988, red box, 5 languages on back, Made in China


Roadrunner                 CX2663

a)* C    Picred2 ©1989, CART3, China, EL: CA400064-063 on lower right

A)  Manual       ©1989, white, C300016-063 on back, 4 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1989, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China, sticker: “New” lower right front

2)* Box            ©1989, red box, Made in China, sticker?


Rubik's Cube              CX2698

a)   ?    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, ML: no Rubik ™

b)* C    PicSil1  ©1984, CART1, ML: has Rubik ™

1)* Box            ©1984, silver box, Made in USA

Saboteur                      CX26119

a)* C    PicSil2  ©1984, CART1, limited collector’s edition, unreleased prototype

A)  Manual       ©1984, white, 16 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA

1)* Box            ©1984,  silver box, Made in USA


Secret Quest               CX26170

a)* C    Picred2 ©1989, CART3, Hong Kong, EL: CA400064-170 on lower right

A)  Manual       ©1989, white, C300016-179 on back, 16 pages, 5 x 7.25”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1989, red box, “New” in lower right corner, picture of Nolan Bushnell on front and back, Atari advantage printed on the box, Made in Hong Kong, Printed in Hong Kong


Sentinel                       CX26183

a)* R    Picred2 ©1990, CART3, China, EL: CA400064-183 on lower right

A)  Manual       ©1990, white, C300016-183 on back, 6 pages (folds out), size?, Printed in Hong Kongno Rev

1)* Box            ©1990, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China

Signal Tracing

Cartridge                    MAO017602

a)         ???


Sky Diver                    CX2629

a)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, blue letters, large ®

b)* U   2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, red letters, small ®

c)* R    2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, red letters, small ®, ML: “CX-2629-P”, PAL

d)* U   PicBl    ©1978, CART1, brown & grey planes

e)* R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, brown & blue planes

f)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART3, glossy, EL: white letters

A)  Manual       ©1979, black, C011402-29 on front, 6 pages (folds out), 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1979, black, C011402-29 on back, 6 pages (folds out), 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 2

C)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016943-29 on back, 8 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

D)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016943-29/A on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev 1, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1978, sky blue box, no warranty box, “ninety day limited warranty” on back, glued flap style box

2)* Box            ©1978, sky blue box, blue background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Rev 4 on flap with a 4 below it

3)   Box            ©1978, sky blue box, blue background warranty box, ©outside warranty box, Rev 4 on flap with a 5 below it, (slight variation from other box)

4)* Box            ©1978, sky blue box, 5 languages on back, Printed in USA

5)   Box            ©1986, blue box, no warranty info


Slot Machine               CX2653

a)* C    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, large ®

b)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, small ®

c)* R    2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, red letters, medium ®

d)* R    2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, red letters, medium ®, ML: “CX-2653-P”, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1979, black, C011402-53 on front, 6 pages (folds out), 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1978, orange box, orange background warranty box, © outside warranty box, Rev 4 on flap with 3 underneath it


Slot Racers                 CX2606

a)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, large ®, EL: “slot racers” 30mm

b)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, small ®, EL: “slot racers” 30mm

c)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, red letters, medium ®, ML: EL: purplish border, EL: “slot racers” 31mm

d)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®

e)   R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, ML: “CX-2606-P”, PAL

f)*  R    2nd txt  ©1978, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, ML: “CX-2606-P”, PAL

g)* R    2nd txt  ©1978, CART1, gold letters, medium ®, ML: “CX-2606-P”, PAL

h)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, yellow letters

i)*  R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, yellow letters, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-06 on front, 6 pages (folds out), 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, no Rev

B)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-06 on back, 6 pages (folds out), 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 3

C)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016943-06 on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1978, brown box, “Game Program” in large yellow letters in center, game options below that, no warranty info on back, Printed in USA

2)* Box            ©1978, brown box, white background warranty box, © inside warranty box, Printed in USA

3)         Box      ©1978, blue box , 5 languages on back, Printed in USA


Snoopy and the

Red Baron                  CX26111

a)* C    Red      ©1983, CART2, EL: plastic

b)* U   Red      ©1986, CART1, EL: plastic

A)  Manual       ©1986, grey, C019741-111 on back, 5 languages, 12 pages, size?, Printed in TaiwanRev A, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1983, red checkered style box, Made in USA, “Rats” word balloon on front

2)* Box            ©1983, red checkered style box, 6 languages on back, Made in USA, no “Rats”

3)* Box            ©1986, red checkered style box, 6 languages on back, Made in Taiwan, no “Rats” on front

Snow White and the

Seven Dwarfs              CX26107

a)* C    Blue     ©1983, picture label, limited collector’s edition of only 250, unreleased prototype

A)  Manual       ©1983, blue checkered, 12 pages, 5 x 7”

1)* Box            ©1983, blue checkered box with Snow White illustration, individually #’d out of 250


Solaris                         CX26136

a)* C    Picred1 ©1986, CART2, Taiwan, EL: plastic

b)* R    PicBr1  ©1986, CART3, Taiwan, EL: red

c)* R    Picred1 ©1987, CART3, Taiwan, ML: EL: plastic

d)* R    Picred1 ©1987, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “Atari Corp.” (also seen in more brown version)

e)* U   Picred1 ©1987, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “Atari Corporation”

f)*  R   Picred2 ©1987, CART3, China

g)* C   Picred1 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong (also seen in more brown version)

A)  Manual       ©1986, C019741-136/A on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev A

B)  Manual       ©1987, C019741-136/A on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A

C)  Manual       ©1988, C019741-136/A on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A, “WA-TA 1988.4” on back

D)  Manual       ©1988, C019741-136/A on back, 8 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A, “WA-TA 1988.7” on back

1)* Box            ©1987, red box, Made in China

2)* Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A on flap

3)* Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong


Sorcerer's Apprentice                        CX26109

a)* C    Blue     ©1983, CART1

b)* R    Blue     ©1983, CART1, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1983, CO19741-109 on back, pages?, folds out, Printed in USA, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1983, blue checkered box, Made in USA

2)* Box            ©1986, blue checkered box, Made in Taiwan


Space Invaders                                   CX2632

a)* U   2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, red letters, medium ®, ™ not credited to Taito

b)* R    2nd txt  ©1980, CART1, red letters, medium ®, ™ not credited to Taito, ML: “CX-2632-P”, PAL

c)* C    3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, red letters, ™ credited to Taito, thin font

d)* C    3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, red letters, ™ credited to Taito, thick font

e)* R    3rd txt   ©1980, CART1, red letters, ™ credited to Taito, ML: “CX-2632-P”, PAL

f)*  U   PicBl    ©1978, CART1, blue letters, full moon showing

g)* U   PicBl    ©1978, CART1, blue letters, 90% of moon showing, left part of ship outside picture

h)* R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, blue letters, 90% of moon showing, left part of ship inside picture, EL: plastic

i)* U   PicBl    ©1978, CART1, blue letters, 70% of moon showing

j)*  R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, blue letters, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

k)*  R    PicSil1  ©1980, CART1, EL: red letters, EL: paper

l)* R    PicGr1  ©1986, CART2, EL: blue letters, EL: plastic

m)*  R    PicGr1  ©1986, CART3, ML: has “use with…”, no 2632, EL: blue letters, EL: plastic

n)  R    PicGr1  ©1986, CART3, ML: has “use with…”, no 2632, EL: red letters

o)* R    PicGr1  ©1987, CART3, EL: blue letters

p)* R    PicGr1  ©1987, CART3, EL: red letters, ML, EL: plastic

q)   R    PicGr1  ©1987, CART3, EL: pink letters

r)* R    PicGr1  ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: CA 400066-032 on lower right, EL: pink letters

s)*  R    Picred2 ©1980, CART?, China, ML: “CX2632P”, PAL

t)*  R    Picred2 ©1980, CART3, Taiwan, ML: CA400066-032 on lower right

u)*  R    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: CX2632P, EL: CA400225-32 on lower right, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1980, black, C011402-32 on front, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1, no Taito ©

B)  Manual       ©1980, black, C011402-32 on back, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 2, no Taito ©

C)  Manual       ©1980, black, C011402-32 on back, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 3, no Taito ©

D)  Manual       ©1980, black, C011402-32 on back, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 4, Taito ©

E)   Manual       ©1980, white, C016943-32 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

F)   Manual       ©1980, white, C016943-32 on back, 12 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 2

G)  Manual       ©1980, white, C016973-32 on back, 5 languages, 48 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1

H)  Manual       ©1986, white, C019741-32/A on back, 12 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev A, b&w cover and contents

I)    Manual       ©1988, white, C019741-32/A on back, 12 pages, 5.125 x 7.125”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1978, blue box, no warranty box, “Limited Ninety Day Warranty” on back, front bottom has Space Invaders ™, no Rev, glued flap style box

2)* Box            ©1980, blue box, blue background warranty box, © outside warranty box, front bottom has no Space Invaders ™, Rev 1 on flap

3)* Box            ©1980, blue box, blue background warranty box, © outside warranty box, front bottom has Space Invaders ™, Rev 2 on flap

4)* Box            ©1978, blue box, white background warranty box, © inside warranty box, front bottom has Space Invaders ™, standard flap style box

5)* Box            ©1978, blue box, white background warranty box, © inside warranty box, front bottom has Space Invaders ™, glued flap style box

6)* Box            ©1980, blue box, “Warner Communications” on front, 5 languages on back, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

7)   Box            ©1986, blue box, 5 languages on back, Printed in Taiwan

8)* Box            ©1987, blue box, no “Warner Communications” on front, 5 languages on back, Printed in Taiwan, Made in Taiwan, Rev A on flap

9)* Box            ©1980, grey box, 5 languages on back, Made in Macau

10)* Box            ©1988, blue box, 5 languages on back, (red/white title on front), Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China

11)* Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong

12) Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Taiwan, Made in Taiwan


Space War                   CX2604

a)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, large ®

b)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, small ®

c)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, medium ®

d)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, medium ®, ML: “CX-2604-P”, PAL

e)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1

f)*  R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, ML: red letters, EL: orange letters, “p” printed on right, PAL

g)* U   PicBl    ©1978, CART2

h)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART?, ML: orange letters, “Atari, Corp.”

A)  Manual       ©1978, black, C011402-04 on front, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA pg 2, no Rev

B)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016943-04 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1978, red box, game program in yellow across middle, no warranty info, standard flap style box

2)* Box            ©1978, red box, game options top left, no warranty box but says “limited ninety day warranty” on back, Rev 1 on flap

3)* Box            ©1978, pink box, 5 languages on back,, Printed in USA


Sprintmaster               CX26155

a)* C    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, EL: CA400064-155 on lower right

b)* R    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, China, ML: “CX26155P”, PAL

c)* R    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “CX26155P”, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1988, white, C300016-155 on back, 4 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong

2)* Box            ©1988, red box, “New” on bottom right corner, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China


Stargate                       CX26120

a)* U   PicSil1  ©1984, CART1, EL: normal font

b)* C    PicGr2  ©1985, CART1, EL: plastic, italic font

c)* R    PicGr2  ©1985, CART2, EL: plastic, normal font

d)* R    PicGr2  ©1987, CART3, ML: has “use with…”, has 26120, EL: italic font

e)* R    PicGr2  ©1987, CART3, ML: no “use with…”

A)  Manual       ©1987, white, C019741-120/A on back, 6 pages (folds out), size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1984, silver box, sticker “Increased memory! 99 Dazzling Waves!” on front bottom left

2)* Box            ©1985, silver box, Made in Taiwan

3)* Box            ©1987, silver box, Made in Hong Kong

4)* Box            ©?, silver box, 1st style silver box with normal font, Rev A on flap, Promo box?


Star Raiders                CX2660

a)* C    PicBl    ©1982, CART1, Atari logo does not touch top of screen on left side, art has normal colors

b)* R    PicBl    ©1982, CART1, Atari logo touches top of screen on left side, art has darker colors

c)* R    PicBl-p ©1982, CART1, EL: ‘p” printed on right, PAL

d)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART1, EL: plastic

d)* R    PicBl    ©1987, CART?, EL: plastic

A)  Manual       ©1982, white, C016943-60 on back, 20 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

A1) Overlay     ©1982, G-C019123-60 on back, 2.5 x 3.875”, Made in USA, Rev 1

A2) Comic       ©1982, color, C018258 on back, 52 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Atari Force #3

B)  Manual       ©1982, white, C016973-60 on back, 5 languages, 32 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1982, orange box, no warranty info, Rev 1 on flap, glued flap style box

1a)*Box            ©1982, large orange box, touch pad and small Star Raiders boxes inside, CX2660-1, no warranty info, contains DC comic book Atari Force #3, Rev 1 on flap

1b)*Box            ©1982, medium orange box, contains Video Touch Pad, no warranty info, Made in Taiwan, Rev 1 on flap, CX21 on side

2)* Box            ©1982, orange box, 5 languages on back, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

2a)*Box            ©1982, large orange box, touch pad and small Star Raiders boxes inside, CX2660-1, 5 languages on back, “N” sticker on top, Rev 1 on flap

2b)*Box            ©1982, medium orange box, contains Video Touch Pad, 5 languages on back, Made in Hong Kong, Rev 1 on flap, CX21 on side

Star Ship                      CX2603

a)* R    1st txt   no ©, CART1, large ®, EL: colored border

b)* C    1st txt   no ©, CART1, large ®, EL: silver border

c)   R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, large ®

d)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, small ®

e)* U   -odd-    ©1977, CART1, ML: black background with no border, “Atari 2600” printed at the top in white letters, ML & EL: “Star Ship™” in yellow

A)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011402-03 on front, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, no Rev

B)  Manual       ©1977, black, C016943-03 on back, 12 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            no ©, red box, “star ship 03” on side going up the box, game options chart on back, front opening, distributed in Canada

2)* Box            ©1978, red box, game program in yellow across middle, no warranty info, standard flap style box

3)* Box            ©1977, red box, limited ninety day warranty on back with warranty listed


Street Racer               CX2612

a)* R    1st txt   no ©, CART1, orange letters, large ®, EL: orange border

b)* U   1st txt   no ©, CART1, orange letters, large ®, EL: silver border

c)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, orange letters, large ®

d)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, orange/pink letters, small ®

e)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, yellow letters, thicker font, medium ®, ™ next to game programs

f)* U    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, yellow letters, thinner font, small ®, ™ next to game programs

g)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, gold/green letters, thinner font, small ®, ™ next to game programs

h)* R   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, yellow letters, thinner font, small ®, no ™ next to game programs

i)*  C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, orange letters, dark border around picture

j)*  R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, orange letters, dark border around picture, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

k)* R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, orange letters, light border around picture

l)*  R    PicBl    ©1986, CART2, orange letters

A)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011402-12 on front, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, no Rev

B)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011402-12 on back, 12 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 5

C)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011413-12 on front, flip book – English and French, 24 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, no Rev on page 12 (last page of English side)

D)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016973-12 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            no ©, orange box, “street racer 12” on side going up the box

2)* Box            ©1978, orange box, no warranty on back, game program in yellow across middle

3)* Box            ©1978, orange box, no warranty box but says “limited ninety day warranty” on back

4)* Box            ©1978, orange box, orange background warranty box, © outside warranty box

5)* Box            ©1978, orange box, white background warranty box, © inside warranty box, glued flap style box

6)* Box            ©1978, orange box, 5 languages on back, Printed in USA


Super Baseball                                    CX26152

a)* C    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, ML: “Made in Hong Kong”, EL: CA400064-152 on lower right

b)* C    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, ML: “Printed in Hong Kong”, EL: CA400064-152 on lower right

A)  Manual       ©1988, white, C300016-152 on back, 4 pages (folds out), size?, Printed in Hong KongRev A

1)* Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong

2)* Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in China

Super Breakout          CX2608

a)* C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, ML: “608” is white

b)* R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, ML: “608” is pink

c)* R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, ML: “6” in CX2608 is half in astronaut suit

d)* R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, ML: “608” is white, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

e)* R    PicBl    ©1987, CART3, orange letters, ML: no “use with…”

f)*  R    PicBl    ©1988, CART3, orange letters, ML: no, “use with…”

g)   R    PicBl    ©1988, CART3, ML: no “use with…”, EL: light pink letters

A)  Manual       ©1981, white, C016943-08 on back, 12 pages, 4.865 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1981, white, C016943-08 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7.25”, Printed in USA, Rev 2

C)  Manual       ©1981, white, C016943-08 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 3

D)  Manual       ©1981, white, C016973-08 on back, 5 languages, 56 pages, 5 x 7", Printed in USA, Rev 1

E)   Manual       ©1987, white, C019787-08/A on back, 5 languages, pages?, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev 1, b&w cover and contents

1)* Box            ©1981, orange box, game options top left, no warranty box but says “limited ninety day warranty” on back, standard flap style box

2)* Box            ©1981, orange box, game options top left, no warranty box but says “limited ninety day warranty” on back, glued flap style box

3)* Box            ©1981, orange box, 5 languages on back, “N” sticker on top flap, “Warner Communications” on front bottom left, Printed in USA, glued flap style box

4)* Box            ©1987, orange box, 5 languages on back, no “Warner Communications”, Printed in Hong Kong


Super Football                                    CX26154

a)* C    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Made in Hong Kong, EL: CA400064-154 on lower right

b)* R    PicBr1  ©1988, CART3, China, ML: “CX26154P”, EL: CA400064-154 on lower right

c)* R    Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Printed in Hong Kong, EL: CA400064-154 on lower right

A)  Manual       ©1988, white, C300016-154 on back, 12 pages, size?, Printed in Hong Kong, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1988, red box, Printed in Hong Kong, Made in Hong Kong


Superman                    CX2631

a)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, ML: no “Program ©1979...” small ®, note: has a glitch in the program, this error is rarer

b)* U   2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, medium ®, red letters

c)* U   2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, medium ®, purple letters, slightly thinner font

d)* R    2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, medium ®, red letters, ML: “CX-2631-P”, PAL

e)* R    2nd txt  ©1979, CART1, medium ®, red letters, “PAL” stamped on main label

f)*  C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, EL: orange letters

g)* R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1979, red, C011402-31 on front, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

B)  Manual       ©1979, red, C011402-31 on back, 8 pages, 4 x 6.5”, Printed in USA, Rev 3

C)  Manual       ©1979, white, C016943-31 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 2

D)  Manual       ©1979, white, C016973-31 on back, 5 languages, 20 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1978, red box, no warranty box but says “limited ninety day warranty” on back, standard flap style box

2)* Box            ©1978, red box, no warranty box but says “limited ninety day warranty” on back, Rev 2, glued flap style box

3)* Box            ©1979, red box, red background warranty box, © outside warranty box, “Special Edition” across lower right corner of front of box, Rev 1 on flap

4)   Box            ©1979, red box, red background warranty box, © outside warranty box, “Special Edition” on back of box, sticker in lower right corner (covers up the “Special Edition”): “Free wallet with Atari Superman cartridge.  Protect your cash with the man of steel. Free with purchase-- attached on back (pro-800)”

5)   Box            ©1979, red box, white background warranty box, © outside warranty box, “Special Edition” on back of box, sticker in lower right corner (covers up the “Special Edition”): “Free wallet with Atari Superman cartridge. Protect your cash with the man of steel. Free with purchase-- attached on back (pro-800)”

6)* Box            ©1979, red box, 5 languages, “N” sticker on top of box, ® after Atari logo on back upper left corner, Printed in USA

7)* Box            ©1979, red box, 5 languages, black sticker on front, no ® after Atari logo on back upper left corner, Printed in USA


Surround                     CX2641

a)* U   1st txt   no ©, CART1, green letters, large ®, EL: silver border

b)* R    1/2 txt   no ©, CART1, green letters, ML: 1st txt, EL: 2nd txt (can be made)

c)* R    1/2 txt   no ©, CART1, green letters, ML: 2nd txt, small ®, EL: 1st txt, silver border (can be made)

d)* U   2nd txt  no ©, CART1, green letters, small ®

e)* R    2nd txt  no ©, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, ML: “CX-2641-P”, EL: yellow letters, PAL

f)*  C    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, green letters, lighter colors, Atari logo and part number thinner lines, “Atari” below logo 4 mm from bottom of picture, EL: “SURROUND” 40 mm long

g)   R    PicBl    ©1978, CART1, green letters, darker colors, Atari logo and part number thicker lines, “Atari” below logo 3 mm from bottom of picture, EL: “SURROUND” 39 mm long

h)* R    PicBl-p ©1978, CART1, green letters, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

i)* R    PicBl    ©1986, CART?, green letters, tape over mistake on “use with...” line

A)  Manual       ©1977, black, C011402-41 on front, 6 pages (folds out), 4 x 6.5”, no printed or Rev

B)  Manual       ©1978, white, C016943-41 on back, 8 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            no ©, light green box, front opening box, “41 surround” on side going up the box

2)* Box            ©1978, light green box, “Game Program” in large yellow letters in center, game options below that, no warranty info on back

3)* Box            ©1978, light green box, no warranty box but has “limited ninety day warranty” on back

4)* Box            ©1986, grey box, no warranty info, Printed in Taiwan



Earthworld                  CX2656

a)* C    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, sword touches left edge

b)* C    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, sword doesn't touch left edge (hard to see)

c)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

d)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART2

e)* R    PicGr1  ©1986, CART?, ML: “Swordquest” in fancy font

f)*  R    PicGr1  ©1987, CART?, ML: “Swordquest” in fancy font

A)  Manual       ©1982, silver, C019741-56 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

A1) Comic        ©1982, blue, C019251 on back, 52 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA

B)  Manual       ©1982, silver, C019787-56 on back, 5 languages, 24 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 1

1)* Box            ©1982, silver box, sticker: “details inside, play the $150,000 swordquest challenge! Enter by march 15, 1983”, Made in USA, glued flap style box

2)* Box            ©1986, grey box, 5 languages, Made in Taiwan


Swordquest Fireworld                        CX2657

a)* C    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, ML: skirt not touching bottom of picture

b)* U   PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, ML: skirt touching bottom of picture

c)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART2, ML: skirt not touching bottom of picture

d)* R    PicSil1  ©1982, CART1, ML: skirt not touching bottom of picture, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

A)  Manual       ©1982, silver, C019741-57 on back, 12 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA, Rev 1

A1) Comic        ©1982, brown, C019252 on back, 52 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA

B)  Manual       ©1982, silver, C019741-57 on back, 12 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev 2

1)* Box            ©1982, silver box, sticker: “details inside play the $150,000 swordquest challenge! Enter by July 15, 1983”, Made in USA, glued flap style box

2)* Box            ©1982, silver box, “Swordquest” in fancy font, 5 languages on back, Made in USA



Waterworld                 CX2671

a)* C    PicSil2  ©1983, CART2

A)  Manual       ©1983, white, C019741-71 on back, 6 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev A

A1) Comic        ©1983, blue, C020134 on back, 46 pages, 5 x 7”, Printed in USA

1)* Box            ©1983, silver box, “Win the $25,000 Jeweled Crown!” on top front, Made in USA

2)* Box            ©1983, silver box, different artwork, promotional box only

Taz                                                      CX2699

a)* C    PicSil2  ©1983, CART1

b)* R    PicGr2  ©1986, CART1

c)* R    PicGr2  ©1986, CART3

d)* R    PicGr2  ©1988, CART3, ML: no “use with…”

A)  Manual       ©1983, white, C019741-99 on back, 4 pages, size?, Printed in USA, Rev A

B)  Manual       ©1986, grey, C019741-99/A on back, 4 pages, size?, Printed in Taiwan, Rev A

1)* Box            ©1983, silver box

2)   Box            ©1986, silver box

3)* Box            ©1988, silver box, Made in Hong Kong


Track & Field             CX26125

a)* C    ---        ©1984, CART1, ML & EL: grey with pink letters, unlike any other Atari made label

b)* U   ---        ©1984, CART2, ML & EL: grey with pink letters, unlike any other Atari made label

1)* Box            ©1984, grey box, Printed in Taiwan sticker, includes special arcade controller